Jin: Migraine

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The first migraine you ever had was in sixth grade. You were determined to tough it out and continue through the day (you didn't know what a migraine was), but once fourth period rolled around, you had to go to the nurse. There were no tears in your eyes; the pain was so bad that you were more concerned with the fact that you couldn't see instead of being sad about it. 

The second migraine that you could pinpoint would be in tenth grade. Your mom refused to let you come home, so your band director made you sit out in the lobby to get away from all the noise. One of your friends sat with you and held your hand while you cried; he ended up calling your dad for you so that you could go home. 

That was the last time your family allowed you to come home because of a migraine, but that didn't mean the migraines stopped. 

By the time you got to college, your migraines escaladed to a point where they'd stay for days - sometimes weeks - on end. It happened with every change in weather patterns, sleep schedules, smells, and how hydrated you were. 

At home, you could just lock yourself in your dungeon-like room and sleep them off (medication did nothing), but when college hit, that wasn't an option anymore. 

Thank god you decided to room with someone who had their own apartment, but needed help paying rent among other things. 

Kim Seokjin was as sweet as ever. He was tall with broad shoulders, which you soon discovered were very nice to rest your head on, and had neat black hair that was starting to get a little long. His bangs fell into his sweet brown eyes, so he usually styled his hair off his forehead. His lips were pink and plush and perfect; the only odd thing about him was his double-jointed fingers and the fact that he sat in very uncomfortable-looking positions. 

You were grateful that Jin offered you a place to stay, but occasionally felt bad for him because he had to change some things about himself for you. Cologne gave you really bad migraines, so he stopped wearing it. Whenever you had a migraine, he had to be very quiet and live in the dark with you until your migraine was gone. 

Unlike his friends, Jin never complained or got frustrated with you. He didn't get migraines often, but he understood how bad they could be, so he did his best to make you comfortable whenever you had one. He was the perfect roommate for you. 


"(Y/N)-ah?" Jin knocked on your door softly, making you wince. 

You were currently going on day three of a really bad migraine, but Jin promised his friend Yoongi that he would help him on some sort of project. To make things easier on you and them, you locked yourself in your room. Sleep didn't come, but the dark and stillness made your brain feel a little less like it was trying to melt out of your ears. 

"Yoongi's gone. It's nighttime now, so you wanna come out and lay on the couch for a while? I know your head hurts but I wanna spend some time with you. You're my favorite little person." 

Goddammit, you thought as you rolled out of bed, silently praying that Jin would let you cuddle up in his fluffy pink blanket. For some reason, he loved to call you his favorite little person. It irritated and amused you at the same time, so you let him do it. 


"Did you not expect the door to open?" 

"Not really." 

"What am I gonna do with you, Jinnie?" you groaned, partially because of your head. 

He smiled warmly and wrapped you in a hug, one hand massaging the back of your neck in hopes of making your head hurt less. "Come on, (Y/N)-ah. I'll keep the TV low," Jin promised, then pulled you into the living room. 

You eyed the fluffy pink blanket hanging over the back of the couch, exactly where Jin sat down, patting his lap for you. At this point in time, the two of you had become so close that you either sat on his lap or take turns using each other as pillows; Jin's thighs were wonderful pillows. 

You laid down facing the back of the couch, smiling in delight when Jin threw his blanket over you. It was so warm and smelled like him, and the fact that your face was practically in his stomach made everything better. 

"Thanks, Jinnie," you mumbled, leaning forward to kiss his stomach. 

Jin smiled and let his hand rest on your shoulder, occasionally giving you light pats or rubs. 

It only took you about ten minutes to fall asleep. 

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now