Yoongi: Anything For You (Even if it Breaks My Heart)

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You and Yoongi had been married for almost fifteen years and had two beautiful little girls, Jungil and Sierra. Jungil was fourteen and Sierra was seven, but they seemed to notice things were different between you and Yoongi before even you did.

You never really talked to Yoongi anymore; he always tried to make small talk with you, but you shut him out. It was like you hated him now, and the girls noticed. They always just wanted you and Yoongi to be happy and didn't cause trouble, but they noticed that they weren't the problem.

Something changed three years ago, but you don't know what it was. It was like all the love you used to feel for Yoongi just suddenly disappeared, and you only stayed with him for your kids' sake. Even the small things didn't make you happy anymore; waking up next to your husband every morning just made you feel empty, even if he was holding you tight. The little notes he always left you became annoying. Everything he did, other than spend time with the girls, irritated you in some way.

Maybe the love was just gone.

The girls were at school and you and Yoongi were both off today. You didn't bother going back to bed after you dropped the girls off. Yoongi pulled an all-nighter at the studio and needed his sleep anyways.

About two hours after you returned home, Yoongi woke up, quietly making his way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee like he did every morning. You were in the living room reading and also thinking. Thinking about confronting Yoongi about how you felt and that it was useless dragging him along like you had been doing the past three years.

"Good morning, doll," Yoongi mumbled, planting a kiss on your head as he made his way around the couch to sit next to you. You only hummed in acknowledgement and continued ignoring him, silently hoping he'd give up and go away. But that didn't happen.

A sigh made you look over at him. He was staring down at the mug of coffee in his hands, eyes tired and lined with heavy bags. You noticed the beginnings of tears in his eyes as he looked up at you.

"You don't love me anymore, do you?" he asked, voice rough with sleep and hurt. You set down your book and faced him, removing the coffee mug from his hands and setting it next to your book. "Yoongi, I'm so sorry. It's just... I don't feel anything between us anymore, and it hurts to look at you still act like we're in love. I did love you once; we got married and I gave you children. That's proof that I used to love you. But now I see you and... I'm so sorry."

Tears escaped Yoongi's eyes, and you knew how bad you hurt him. Min Yoongi never cried. Ever. It hurt so much watching him cry, but you knew it was better than holding it in.

"(Y/N), you know I'll do anything for you. All I wanted was for you to be happy, and I guess I can't make you happy anymore. I'll pack my stuff and be out as soon as you want," he whispered after a while, holding your hands in his. You just shook your head and wiped his eyes.

"Yoongi, this is your house. It's under your name. You keep it. I'll get a house a couple neighborhoods away, and we can take turns with the girls. Two weeks with you, two with me. We'll figure this out, okay?" you said gently. Yoongi sniffled and nodded, pulling you in for a hug.

You hugged back, knowing you owed him that much. He did nothing wrong; the love was just gone. You squeezed him tight, letting him know that everything will work out and as painless as possible. He squeezed back just as hard, letting out a shaky sigh.

When you let go, you wiped the remainder of his tears. "Just because we're getting a divorce does not mean that I hate you, Min Yoongi. Don't ever think that. I still want to remain best friends; you're still my best friend. It will take a whole lot of time for both of us to heal, but no hard feelings no matter what. Understand?" He laughed lightly and nodded, giving you a small smile.

Sierra cried when you told the girls about the divorce. Jungil just sighed and shook her head. She was like the spitting image of Yoongi; extremely pale, black hair cut short and messy. She even had a bunch of music lessons and played piano in jazz band. She also had Yoongi's personality, so maybe that's why she didn't cry.

"I honestly saw it coming. I'm just glad that nothing crazy happened; like Mom didn't cheat on Dad or anything like that. Everything will be okay, Sierra." She gently hugged her little sister, who nodded and sniffled. Sierra wasn't much of one for words.

The following months were spent splitting everything up, moving house, and getting paperwork settled. Not a single argument erupted, and the girls seemed to be okay. Yoongi was definitely heart-broken, but you always told him that everything would be okay.

Deep down, you hated yourself for breaking Yoongi's heart. But you knew he would have left anyways; he'd do anything for you, even if it broke his own heart.

HER: BTS x Reader Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن