Jin: Simple Words

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You and your boyfriend of three years, Jin, haven't really been talking lately. Neither one of you were mad at each other or anything, it's just that every few months or so, you two accidentally stop talking for about a week or so. Still, you wake up in his arms every morning and fall asleep next to him every night. Words just sometimes don't form between you two.

Every time this happens, it tends to wear you down. It makes you miss his windshield-wiper laugh, egotistical remarks, and most importantly, the way he says he loves you.

Of course you knew Jin loved you, but it was always nice to hear it from him. He expressed his love in simple ways; hugging you tight every morning, making you lunch and dinner on days you didn't feel like cooking or just because he wanted to, the cute notes he leaves around the house for you when he has to go into work early, and just the way he looked at you. Jin looked at you like you were the human embodiment of perfect, and you looked at him the same way.

Love wasn't lost between you two, it just refused to be verbally acknowledged sometimes.

"Good morning, honey-bun," Jin whispered as he made his way into the kitchen and over to you as you handed him a cup of coffee. You flashed him a smile and went back to making egg sandwiches, using bagels instead of normal bread. "Is that my shirt?" Jin said after a few minutes.

You were wearing one of his way-too-big pink t-shirts that went down to your knees and a pair of boyshorts as your pajamas. You loved wearing Jin's shirts to bed because of how soft they were. "Maybe..." Jin chuckled and set his coffee down on the counter and positioned himself behind you, calmly braiding your hair.

For some reason you couldn't fathom, Jin always liked to braid your hair. You didn't mind, since he was gentle and it kept your hair out of your face. Still, it amused you.

"Here, Jinnie," you mumbled as you handed him a plate. He gladly took it from you and kissed your cheek before moving to the table. You followed him once you got your plate together and took a seat across from him.

You both ate in silence, too scared to break it. This has been going on for almost an entire month, and it was taking a toll on you. You didn't eat as much and ended up not sleeping very well. You felt so stupid for doing this, but it just happened and you couldn't control it.

"(Y/N)," Jin mumbled suddenly, snapping you from your thoughts. He held his hand out for you and you took it, smiling at how well your hand fit in his.

"I do love you, you know." Jin offered you a small smile and rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand lovingly. "I love you a lot, honey-bun. I'm sorry I haven't said it lately; I know how you get. Just please don't doubt even when I don't say it. I never doubt you, so please don't doubt me." You smiled and nodded, squeezing his hand a little bit.

"I love you too, darling."

Three simple words. They held more meaning than anyone will ever know, but for you and Jin, it was reassurance.

prepare for a bunch of fluffy shit in all 3 of my stories today. i'm in a fluffy mood. Happy Days!

- Tae

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