Taehyung: Dark Hour

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It's not an unknown fact that your best friend/boyfriend wasn't all roses. He's had things happen to him that breaks your heart to think about, but he's always pushed through, sometimes without even telling anybody. He wasn't one to express his feelings; he often hid them behind lying eyes and a forced smile just so that others wouldn't worry about him.

You loved Taehyung for a long time, and you've been around him long enough to know when he's acting. For three months, you've noticed something off about him. He's quiet and straight-faced, not loud and vibrant like normal. At first, you brushed it off, thinking that he'll come around and tell you like he always ended up doing. That was week two when you thought that. But now, you were rethinking that choice.

For a few weeks, you've been having nightmares about your boyfriend, but could never remember the details. Still, you ended up waking yourself up from them and leaving the warmth of your shared bed to go sit on the couch in the living room and read, too afraid to fall asleep again. You actually ended up getting sick because of your lack of sleep.

"Ah, (Y/N). I don't know. Maybe you should just corner him and make him talk about it?" your friend suggested, looking at all sorts of toys for babies. She was currently shopping for her cousin's baby shower, and you decided to tag along. Plus, you needed some good advice.

You shook your head with a sigh. "No, TaeTae would just glare at me in stone silence until I caved and left. (F/N), I'm so scared for him. I'm losing sleep!" you cried out, feeling a weight press down on your chest from the words. This was seriously taking a toll on you. Your friend placed her hands on your shoulders, making you face her. "Listen, (Y/N)! Taehyung loves you so damn much, and I know you love him, too. You guys were childhood friends! He'll tell you on his own time. For now, just hold him more and tell him how much you love him and just....be there for him. That's all you can do right now."

You wiped your tears and nodded, offering her a small smile. "I think I'm just going to go home to Tae, now. Thank you so much! I love you," you mumbled, giving your friend a huge hug. She hugged you back and jokingly pushed you away, making shooing motions with her hands as you walked away. Even in a dark hour, your friend always made you laugh with her antics.

You opened the door to your apartment, expecting to find Taehyung catching up on My Hero Academia in the living room, but he wasn't there. You frowned and slipped off your coat and set your bag down before looking around. "Angel, have you seen Tae?" you asked your pet rabbit. You and Taehyung adopted a Flemish Giant lop-eared rabbit named Angel. You house trained her, so she usually was free-range around the apartment.

The beige rabbit just continued to sleep on the couch, ignoring you like always. "Tae!?" you called, looking around the apartment, but to no avail. His phone was on the kitchen counter where it always charged, along with his keys next to it, so he should be around somewhere. It was ten at night and you just wanted to hold your precious boyfriend.

Then you noticed that the French doors leading to the balcony were unlocked, and you peered through them to see Taehyung curled in a ball in the middle of the balcony. His head was hidden between his knees and his shoulders shook; he was crying.

You tiptoed out to stand behind him, pushing down your own tears as you listened to his heavy sobs. Your heart was cracking in your chest, unable to support the weight of your beloved's depression any longer.

"Tae..." you whispered as you bent down behind him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He choked out a sob as he stretched out, leaning back into you as he wiped his eyes. "I-I'm okay," he sniffled, but you shook your head as you whispered, "No you're not, Tae. Don't hide this anymore. Come talk to me." After a few seconds, Taehyung nodded and let you help him up and lead him to the kitchen.

As you looked at him in the light, you noticed how red and puffy his eyes were from crying, how his lips quivered as he tried to compose himself and how messy his hair was. His eyes were dull and nearly lifeless, clearly showing his broken heart.

He sat down on the counter and let you stand in the V of his legs, eyes downcast as you ran your fingers through his hair. "Taehyung, I can't watch you do this to yourself anymore. Please tell me what's the matter." He choked out another sob as you held his face in your hands, lovingly tracing his cheekbones with your thumbs.

"I want to go home. I want to get away from all the grief in the world, even though home is where my grandmother isn't," he whimpered, sniffling at the painful memory. "I still just want to go home for a little while and get through this awful dark hour. And I want you to be there, too. I'm so broken-hearted."

You pulled his head into the crook of your neck as he started crying again, wrapping your arms around his neck as he wrapped his own around your waist, pulling you as close to him as he could. One of your hands moved to his hair, stroking it soothingly as you let him cry, occasionally kissing his head. Your other hand lazily massaged circles into his back, undoing all the tension he felt there.

Taehyung composed himself and lifted his head, placing an innocent kiss on your lips with a tiny, fond smile. You rubbed his thighs to calm him down some more. "How about this: I get a nice bath started for us, give you a massage afterwards, then cuddle time in bed, okay? Tomorrow, I'll call Eomma Kim and plan on visiting next week. Jin will look after Angel while we're gone."

He smiled a little more and nodded, tracing your bottom lip with a finger as he said, "I like that. Thank you so much, love. You're so good to me." You kissed him again and squeezed his thighs lovingly. "You mended my broken heart when we were in high school. Now it's time for me to mend yours, too. You're my world."

"I love you so much."

"I love you too, Taehyung."

I love him and he's had a rough time. Stay strong, Taehyung. Happy Days are ahead.

- Tae

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora