Namjoon: Rain

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The summer rain battered your umbrella as you walked home from the small bakery you worked at. It was about nine at night and freezing outside, since the rain cooled down the summer air and froze your legs as you walked. Today had been a good day in many ways and exhausting in some. But the thing that made your day was the young man who came in and smiled at you as he ordered two mochi buns for him and his girlfriend. Just seeing dimples on a tall, attractive man made your day better.

You hurried along the rainy sidewalk with only the thought of a nice warm bath and a Netflix marathon occupying your mind. The rain was falling harder and harder by the minute and you had no intention on getting a cold in the middle of June. Summer colds were even worse than winter colds and you couldn't afford sick days anyways.

When you were ten minutes from your home, you saw a man sitting on a bench. Hood over his bowed head, slumped and shaking shoulders and what seemed like flowers and a small brown bag on his lap. As you neared him, you realized it was the boy with the dimpled smile from earlier in the day. Light shone from his phone, illuminating his teary face and quivering bottom lip and he tried not to cry.

"Excuse me, are you alright?" you asked once you were right next to the bench. The man startled and looked to you as he wiped his eyes. "Hm? Oh, um... N-not particularly," he replied and your heart surged a little at his cute stutter, but then the surge was replaced with concern as you frowned at him. He lifted his phone so you could see it better, heart aching for the poor man as you stared at the screen.

It was an Instagram post of a very pretty woman, much prettier than you, kissing a tall boy with blonde hair. 'Out with the old, in with the new. We're over, Joon-ah!' was the caption. Then it all clicked; she was this man's girlfriend, she cheated on him and broke up with him over social media. It was the perfect humiliation for this poor, seemingly teddy bear of a man and your blood started to boil.

"What a bitch," you grumbled and the man nodded slightly. "I thought I was good to her! Apparently n-not..." he sobbed and you reached into your bag and handed him a small packet of tissues as you stepped a little closer, shielding him from the rain with your umbrella. He smiled a sad, dimply smile as he took the tissues. "Thanks. What's your name?" he asked as he wiped his nose. "(Y/N). What's yours?" you replied simply as you offered him a smile. "Kim Namjoon."

After a minute of silence, he narrowed his eyes in calculation as he stared up at you. "You work at the bakery down the street, don't you? You look familiar," he said and you nodded proudly. "Yeah. I actually served you earlier today. I remembered your smile." A blush crept across your cheeks at that last part, an embarrassed tint making its way to Namjoon's as well. "A lot of people like my smile. I'm glad you do, too," he muttered bashfully.

A crack of thunder disturbed the peace and you sighed. "We better get out of the rain. Where do you live? I'll walk you home," Namjoon offered politely as he stood and you silently admired his height. "Oh, I live in the complex ten minutes away." His eyes widened in surprise. "I do, too!" he cheered and you giggled at how cute he was being. He took your umbrella from you and held it over the both of you as you walked shoulder to shoulder, going on about trivial things and some slightly personal things, too.

When you reached your apartment, you paused. "I hope you feel better soon, Namjoon," you said quietly. His smile faltered, but stayed anyways. "Thanks, (Y/N). I... I hope we can hang out soon." Your heart did summersaults in your chest as you nodded. "I'm off this weekend. If you want to go see a movie or go to lunch or something, then just knock on my door around ten or eleven," you explained and a smirk fell on Namjoon's lips.

"I'll definitely keep that in mind."

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora