Jungkook: Mute

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You didn't talk. It's not that you couldn't, it's just that you didn't like to. Growing up, you were always quiet and shy, not much of a conversationalist. Now that you were older, the shyness wasn't an issue, just the fact that you were still not the conversationalist.

Not many people understood your silence, so they often found you slightly strange and closed-off and avoided you. It didn't really bother you, since you did have a lot of friends. Just, all of your friends were loud boys. All of you found it funny, since you were the mute and they were all as loud as a flock of crows. Ironic, huh?

Today, you were sitting with one of your quiet guy friends, Min Yoongi. You each had an earbud in, listening to Yoongi's latest composition for his music theory class in the gym. Yoongi was one of those characters who say mean things and don't realize it. None of his hurtful comments have been directed to you, but it still made you slightly upset when he said something mean about others.

"So, how was it?" Yoongi asked when the demo finished, turning to you. You just smiled widely and nodded, a sign for, "I like it." He laughed a little, but his smile fell when he saw the tall, purpleish-black haired boy across the gym. "Jeon's here."

Jeon Jungkook was one of the oldest boys in your year. He was tall, with brown eyes and a smile much like a bunny's. All the girls thought he was gorgeous, yet mysterious because he didn't talk. The boys didn't like him except for Park Jimin, who was also your friend. Jungkook would often get bashed and trash-talked, sometimes even beaten up.

You got caught in the crossfire of a fight between Jungkook and this other guy once. Before you could get hurt, Jungkook shoved you out of the way and right into Jimin, who caught you. That was your first encounter with either boy. But you never spent time with Jungkook before; only saw him in the halls and in the back of the classroom.

Jungkook was easily the most disliked kid at school, but something about him caught your attention.

"He's a freak," Yoongi said, shrugging Jungkook's presence off. You punched Yoongi's gut with a glare that he knew all too well. It was the, "Stop being mean," glare you always gave him. "Sorry, (Y/N)," he mumbled, rubbing his stomach a little bit. All you did was roll your eyes, attention going back to Jungkook.

He was looking at you with a small smile on his face.

School was over for the day, so you walked home with your older brother, Seokjin. Your family adopted him when you were two. "Hey, (Y/N)! You know our neighbors, right? The Jeons?" he asked as your house came near. Of course you did. Jungkook was your neighbor and would sometimes walk home with you if Jin had beta club and Jimin was with you. Those times were also the only other times you've encountered Jungkook.

"Well, mom invited them over for dinner. I can't be there, since Namjoon and I have a date, but I just thought you should know." You nodded in understanding; your parents weren't too keen on Jin having a boyfriend, but they liked Namjoon and let Jin date him.

And you also had a heart attack because tonight, you'd encounter Jungkook again.

"(Y/N), please let the Jeons in! They're at the door," your mom shouted from the kitchen, scaring you out of your zone. You were working on your short story for writing class, but you closed your laptop and rushed down the stairs, opening the front door with a smile.

Jungkook's parents smiled as you bowed and stepped aside, making the gesture for, "Come in." Mrs Jeon said, "Where's your mom?" You wordlessly pointed to the kitchen. When she left, you walked the other two into the living room. Your dad was watching sports, and Mr Jeon turned to Jungkook. "Please go hang out with (Y/N). You need a friend, Kook." Jungkook sighed and nodded, turning to you.

The two of you climbed the stairs in silence, heading to your room. Your room wasn't very girly; you liked plain colors. Jungkook hesitantly shifted in the doorway, unsure of himself. You held your hand out to him, a sign for, "It's okay." He took your hand in his and you pulled him into your room.

"Thank you for standing up for me today." You were pleasantly surprised that Jungkook knew sign language, but thankful at the same time. You hadn't used your voice in years. "It's no problem. You never do anything wrong. I hate that you're treated so badly," you signed back, frowning a little at the end.

Jungkook frowned too and looked down, tears welling up in his eyes. Shit. You didn't mean to make him upset. You tapped his shoulder to catch his attention, meeting concerned eyes with sad ones. "Do you like hugs?" Jungkook nodded slightly and wiped his eyes, looking away again.

Without another thought, you pulled him into a hug, letting him bury his face in your neck as he cried. Jungkook probably held back his sorrow from everyone, either trying to remain positive or to not worry his parents, you didn't know. But nonetheless, you were glad that he was letting out all the raw emotion.

You gently rocked Jungkook, bringing one hand up to stroke the back of his neck as an attempt to calm him down. He was warm and muscular in your arms, relaxing even more as the minutes ticked by. Even though you accidently grew up really fast, you noticed how Jungkook was still a lot like a kid, even though he was sixteen. You could tell just by the way he hugged back that all he needed was someone to help him through all of this, that Jimin wasn't enough.

When he calmed down completely, Jungkook lifted his head to look at you with a small smile. "Thank you, (Y/N). Thank you for just...being here." His voice was rough, but sweet at the same time. It amazed you. "Jimin's great and all but...I can't do this around him, you know? It feels good to let out all the hurt. I feel better," he continued, giving you a small bunny smile. You smiled back and nodded in understanding, wiping the remaining tears from Jungkook's cheeks.

"And...um...I like you a lot. As creepy as it sounds, I've been watching you for a little bit. I have Jimin talk about you sometimes. You seem like a beautiful person. Can we...be friends? Is that okay?" Jungkook mumbled, embarrassment washing over his face. You detached yourself from Jungkook to sign back, "I like you too. We can be friends." Jungkook smiled wide and you melted, loving the way the corners of his eyes crinkled.

You didn't talk. Jungkook didn't talk a lot, either. You both were (for the most part) mutes, but made the best of friends. After that day, Jungkook was always by your side. Jungkook never got hurt again.

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora