Taehyung: Tattoos

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In your mind, there's nothing wrong with it. It's just a hobby, like people who collect  figurines, or muscle cars, or jewelry, or books. Your hobby isn't harmful-well, it only hurts when you first get it and if you touch it while it heals-so you don't see the problem everyone else sees. Your hobby is very unusual, you have to admit.

Your body is covered in tattoos.

They aren't distasteful or graphic in any way, and they all have some sort of meaning. You have a lot of animal tattoos; the Kraken on your back, a giant koi on your left thigh, a tiger on your right thigh, a whale on your right calf, a butterfly on your right hand and a tiny sea star on your left hand near your wrist. You also have a silhouette of a cat on your right side, formed from a page of your favorite book.

You also have a lot of plants; a rose on your left hand, bunches of flowers across your collar bones, a lily on your right wrist and a cactus along the side of your left arm. You also have the phases of the moon along the insides of your fingers. You love your tattoos so much.

Everyone stares at you like you belong in a freakshow, and you often heard them whispering behind your back. Tattoos are always thought to be distasteful, so everyone always had a misinterpretation of you. It was even worse because of your job; you worked as a barmaid in a local pub.

It made you sad that your hobby made you seem like a rough person, but anyone who took the time in getting to know you would come to realize how sweet and shy you truly are. Maybe that's why you didn't have that many friends; your best friend worked in the tattoo parlor and would draw your tattoos for you with a discount. He was great and all, but you still wished you were respected like any non-tattooed person.

Tonight at the pub was slow, so you worked on organizing the liquor bar behind the counter. You felt the eyes of drunk customers on you all the way across the pub, and it made you feel on edge, but you shook them off and continued with what you were doing. Just ignore them, (Y/N). It's going to be okay.

"Um, excuse me?" a deep voice sheepishly called from directly in front of you, making you jump and hit your hand on the counter. You gasped and held your hand for a second, shaking it a little as you looked up. A cute boy with light brown hair, brown eyes, full lips and pierced ears gazed at you with a guilty expression. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay?"

God, that voice. It was so deep and calming to you. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks for asking. Can I get you a beer or anything?" You replied with a sheepish smile. The boy just blushed and shook his head. "I don't drink. I just came here because it was pretty much empty and I'm craving French fries," he replied with a small, boxy smile that made you melt inside. Why was this boy making you feel this way?

You wrote down his order in your notepad, feeling the boy's gaze on you. It didn't make you feel uneasy like everyone else's stares. You gave his order to the cooks in the back, then set to work giving him an iced water. "Thanks...(Y/N)," he said, squinting to read your nametag. You blushed and bit back a smile, then returned to organizing the liquor.

"What's your name?" you asked suddenly, eyes widening. You never asked a customer for their name before. "Kim Taehyung. I'm an art major at Soul University," he said happily, getting out his sketchbook from his bag. He flipped to a random page and held it out to you. It was a beautiful sketch of a dragon guarding an egg. "It's pretty, Taehyung. You could make some money off of that," you replied, leaning against the counter to see it.

Taehyung smiled and shook his head. "Or, maybe...maybe you could turn it into a tattoo?" he said sheepishly, blushing like mad. "FRIES!" one of the cooks yelled, setting a plate of fries in the window. "Hold on," you mumbled before dashing over to get them. Oh my gosh, what even is this boy?  you thought as you set the fries in front of him.

"Don't worry about paying; they're on the house," you smiled, holding in a giggle as he ate his fries. This boy was so cute it wasn't even funny. "Thank you. Um, when does your shift end?" he said, blushing again. You checked the clock on the wall, smiling a little. "In twenty minutes. Why?" Taehyung's face went from pink to scarlet in a fraction of a second. "I, uh...I want to take you home."

Your eyes widened at his words. You just met this boy, and he already wanted to take you home. What does that mean!?  "You don't have to say yes, I just...I find you incredibly beautiful and sweet and just...It's dangerous in this part of the city at night and I don't want anything bad to happen to you. I have a car and...I'm embarrassing myself," Taehyung stuttered, staring down at his empty plate, the tips of his pierced ears turning red.

You internally cooed at the sight. Taehyung sure is something else.  After a mental debate, you nodded. "That would be nice, Taehyung. Thank you." He looked at you with joy shining in his eyes, a wide boxy smile across his face.

When your shift ended, Taehyung led you out to his car; a black Ford Focus. It suited Taehyung, somehow. You told him your address and he started the car, making small talk with you. You learned that his best friend was a dance major as well as a music major. All of his friends were music majors, except for one who was two months older than him. He was also an art major.

You enjoyed listening to Taehyung babble about his friends and how weird they were; he was really good company. Finally, he pulled into the driveway and parked. "I guess this is where we part ways," he shrugged, staring down at his fingers. In all honesty, you didn't want him to go. "Taehyung, do you want to come in? Just to hang out for a little while?" Your heart melted when his eyes lit up and he nodded with a smile.

A big, fluffy Maine Coon greeted you both at the door. "I love cats! They're so fluffy!" Taehyung laughed, picking up your cat and hugging him close. "His name is Charlie. I got him as a kitten two years ago. He's enormous," you said as you led Taehyung to the living room, Charlie purring loudly in his arms. "I love him!" he announced as he sat down on he couch.

You smiled warmly as you watched Charlie rub his face on Taehyung's, making the boy giggle like a little kid. "He loves you too, Tae. I'll be right back," you mumbled before disappearing up the stairs. You changed into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt, which hung off your shoulder a little bit, revealing your tattoos on your upper chest and collar bone area.

"Woah," Taehyung whispered, wide-eyed as you sat down next to him. Charlie was curled up in his lap, purring away. You blushed when you realized Taehyung was looking at the tattoos. "Um, people don't really like them. They think I'm like those tough people who smoke and drink and stuff, but I'm not. I just like tattoos," you mumbled, curling into a ball.

Taehyung shook his head and held his hands out to you, silently asking for you to hold them. Charlie jumped down from his lap and curled up in the recliner, so Taehyung was able to face you. You hesitantly set your hands in his, silently admiring how big and warm they were. "No, no. I like them. They're beautiful... you're  beautiful."

His voice was soft and sincere. No one has ever said that to you before, and it made your heart flutter. "Thank you, Tae." He smiled and stared at your hands, rubbing them with his thumbs. He seemed to be thinking about something. "(Y/N), I know we just met, but...I'd really like to take you out one day," he said after a few beats of silence. "If you don't want to go anywhere, we could always get takeout and watch movies. It's up to you."

You internally screamed, blushing heavily. You haven't been on a date since you were eighteen, before you got the tattoos. Even then, you didn't feel as happy as you did now. "I would love to. Come over tomorrow night with Panda Express, and we'll binge-watch Disney movies," you said.

"Can I...hug you? I'm sorry. I'm a hugger," Taehyung mumbled, blushing again. Without another word, you wove your hands around his neck, hugging him close as you buried your face in his neck. After a few seconds, his arms wrapped around your waist, enveloping you in a strong hug.

Tattoos really aren't bad. They can bring people together, if you think about it.

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum