Yoongi: Shower [s]

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"Yoongi," you moaned quietly, burying your face in the pillow and curled your toes. Your husband grunted behind you, leaning over to cuddle up against your back in such an intimate moment. 

You concentrated on the feeling of his short breaths on your shoulder, his little moans indicating that he was really close. You both were surprisingly quiet during sex, but you knew that when Yoongi started to moan, he was about to climax. 

Sure enough, he stilled his hips as a long moan left his lips; even in your own little high, you managed to reach around and massage his hips to help him calm down, smiling to yourself as you felt his hands move to caress your back. He could be a little rough sometimes, but he still tried his best to be gentle. 

He relaxed, dropping his head to bury his face in the crook of your neck, humming contentedly. "Do you want to stay like this or shower with me?" he mumbled, his hands moving down to hold your hips. 

You let out a yawn and rolled back your shoulders, quietly telling him to lift up. "Shower. This position hurts." 

Yoongi chuckled as he sat up, rubbing your hips as he helped you to get back on your hands and knees. "Then stop moving down and back, silly! I'm not paying for your hip surgery." 

The only thing you could do was roll your eyes and glare at him. He moved with you when you hissed in pain, your joints screaming at you until you got used to the new position. Very carefully, Yoongi pulled out and rolled off the bed, picking you up into his arms as he headed towards the bathroom. 

He set your feet on the ground, keeping one arm locked around you while he got the water ready, then pushed you into the shower. 

"Hey!" you whined, smacking his chest repeatedly. Your husband's laughter filled the air around you, causing you to cease your battery attempt. 

"Hey. Come here often?" Yoongi giggled once he stopped laughing so much, moving to where you both now stood in the warm stream of water. You rolled your eyes again and leaned into his chest, humming when he wrapped his arms around your waist completely. 

Neither one of you wanted to talk; it was odd, but you both always fell silent after sex. It wasn't a bad silence; nothing needed to be said. 

That was one of the things that attracted you to your husband; you didn't need to talk to have a good time with him. He liked having a quiet marriage, and you felt relieved that you didn't always need to talk about everything. 

Yoongi reached over and got your washcloth for you, wetting it and putting your favorite bodywash on it before beginning to wash your back for you. His gentle hands worked out all the tension in your shoulders, eased the pain in your lower back, and untangled the knots that formed at your hips. 

He hummed quietly as he washed you, making sure every single inch of you was clean before he allowed you to wash your own hair, deciding to do the same. 

"You wanna wash me, (Y/N)-ah?" Yoongi mumbled while you both rinsed out your hair. For some reason, he didn't like it when other people touched him or showed him lots of affection (you assumed he wasn't one for skinship, which was fine), so you never washed him when you showered with him. 

It took a long time for Yoongi to be okay with anything other than holding hands, so the sudden question threw you off. You looked to him with a serious face as you wrung the rest of the water out of your hair. "Are you sure about that, babe? You don't have to let me if you're not okay with it," you said, reaching up to ruffle his wet black hair. 

"I'm okay with it. You, um, gave me a massage the other day and..." he blushed, looking shyly away from you, and it clicked in your brain. 

Yoongi was needy. 

You giggled at him, trying to hide it behind your hand, but you just couldn't. This was too funny. 

"Is my little tough guy in need of some affection?" you joked, squealing when your husband poked you in the ribs, his face beet-red. 

"I just miss your touch, okay?" he grumbled, pouting as you wet his washcloth and got it all soapy. 

You washed his chest and shoulders first, moving up to peck his lips a few times while you were at it. "I know how you get, Yoongi. It's cute." 

It was cute how he would go through phases of just needing cuddles or some form of physical affection. You would know Yoongi was in one of these phases whenever he woke up in the mornings; if you woke up with his head under your chin, you knew he was gonna be a needy little shit for about two weeks or so. 

Yoongi turned around so you could wash his back and the back of his legs, pouting when you played with his butt. He hated it, but you thought it was fun to squeeze like he did to yours (he was definitely a booty man). 

Soon enough, you finished washing him and let him rinse off all the soap, shutting off the water when he was finished. 

You both dried off, occasionally landing a slap to each other's backsides just to piss the other off. 

"Okay, I'm gonna go put new sheets on the bed. Don't even think about putting on clothes, (Y/N)-ah," Yoongi threatened before darting back into the bedroom. 

Every time you had sex with him, he always wanted to sleep naked afterwards. You didn't want to be cold, but you knew that he would always keep you warm, so you reluctantly agreed, stepping back into the bedroom once your husband called for you. 

Yoongi was already curled up in the clean sheets, whining and making grabby hands for you. He was such a needy baby, but you wouldn't trade him for the world. 

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin