VMin: Both Of Us

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"...and think of how nice it would be living at home while you're in college! Just stay in-state and it will be all good! It won't cost nearly as much and..."

You zoned out as your mom kept ranting about college as she signed you up to take the SAT at the very beginning of the school year.

This year was your senior year of high school; it marked the end of your childhood and the beginning of adulthood. It excited you as much as it scared you, but with your mom "helping" you, it stressed you out to no end and made you want to vomit. 

"(Y/N), are you even listening to me?" A hand was waved in front of your face, snapping you out of your daydream. You mother frowned at you in annoyance, while your older brother, Hoseok, was sneakily trying to raid the fridge in the background. 

"I filled out all of your forms to sign you -"

"Mom, I was supposed to do that. They ask questions about what I want to do with the rest of my life; not you," you gritted out, finally done with your mother trying to rule over your life like she always tried to do. 

After Hoseok changed his major to something your parents didn't want him to pursue, they had given up on him and decided to try to rule your life instead of his - well, your mom did. Your father didn't really care, as long as it was going to benefit you in the long run. 

Both you and Hoseok were grateful that your father simply wanted you to follow your dreams on your own time. 

Obviously, your mother was the opposite. She just wanted her kids to follow her dream for them. She wanted Hoseok to go into accounting, while she wanted you to be a social worker. The truth was, Hoseok sucked ass at math and you had absolutely no filter (thank you, big brother) and would probably get fired on the spot if you ever became a social worker. 

Your mother's frown deepened, her arms coming up to cross over her chest. "I'm doing what's best for you, (Y/N). I'm trying to help you." 

"Stop trying to make me follow your dreams, Mom! So what you didn't live the life you wanted to!? Instead, you became an engineer, got married to a Navy corpsman, and had me and Hoseok. You still have a great life!" you reasoned, rolling your eyes. 

Nausea gnawed at you as your mother's face flared red. "You will be a social worker, (Y/N). You're not going to college to be some stupid novelist or translator or whatever, and you most certainly won't go into early childhood education, like your brother," she growled. 

It wasn't hard to miss how hard Hoseok flinched, hurt flashing in his eyes. 

A frustrated sigh left you as you grabbed your canvas bag, slinging it over your shoulder while grabbing your - Hoseok's - car keys. "Whatever, Mother. I'm leaving." 

"Where the hell are you going!?" she yelled after you, following you to the front door. 

You met her gaze with a harsh glare, hand on the doorknob. "I'm going to Jimin's. Call me when you're ready to let me make my own goddamn decisions," you looked past your mother and into the kitchen, where Hoseok stood there with a pack of marshmallow Oreos in his hand, a hurt frown on his face, "Sorry, Hobi. Love you." 

With that, you walked out the door. 


"(Y/N)-noona?" Jimin's little brother, Jihyun, mumbled as he opened the door, his face turning light-pink. 

Jihyun had always had a crush on you, even though he himself had a boyfriend. Kun, Jihyun's boyfriend, stood a few feet behind him, smiling brightly at you. 

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now