Jungkook: In My Arms

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You had no idea why, but for some reason beyond your comprehension, your mind was convinced that the world was crumbling around you, and you couldn't do anything to stop it. 

Maybe it was due to the fact that you had been having a ton of medical issues, as well as mental issues, or maybe it was the fact that you hadn't really left your apartment.

You opted to staying inside, binge-watching Good Omens and having an eighties-movie marathon nearly every night.

Eating has also been an issue for you; your pain medicine from your surgery at the start of June made you lose an unhealthy amount of weight incredibly fast, and you were in too much pain to eat anyways. One thing was for certain; you were not healthy-weight, and you couldn't will yourself to get it back up. 

Tonight, as the sun began to set, you sat in a chair on your balcony, watching water glisten off of your fern that hung from the deck of the balcony above yours. You simply stared at it, all of your negative thoughts swarming in your head, making buzz as if wasps were attacking you. 

Everything was just so hard. 

You liked someone, but your gay boyfriend [of sorts] texted you and said that he caught your crush and another person making out at some girl's birthday party. The worst part was, you were holding in a psychological meltdown when he texted you the information. 

You were planning to go on a friend-date with your crush and tell them about your feelings, but now, you were certain you didn't want to tell them anything at all. Besides, they would never answer whenever you asked about a date and time to talk, anyways. 

A while back, a "friend" of sorts made your relationship anxiety so much worse than it already was, making it impossible to keep friends because you tended to cling to them. It was that fake friend's fault you were this way, and you were terrified your crush was starting to become the same way, too. 

You didn't want that to happen, nor did you want to lose that person. They were important to you. 

Other than that, you simply didn't have the will to continue on with life anymore. 

Back in your first year of high school, you had a really great senior friend. About a week after you went through a really nasty break-up, he asked you how that relationship was going, and when you told him that it ended, he pulled you into the strongest, most loving hug you ever had. 

And you cried in his arms. 

He was very sweet to you, and you wished you still had his number so that you could hug him again and take your pain away. 

But that was years ago. You doubted if he still knew you even existed. 

"I miss you," you whimpered to no one, balling up in your chair, chin resting on your knees. 

All the hurt, the turmoil, the confusion, the rage, every single one of your negative emotions overtook you all at once, drowning you in a sea of despair. 

Unlike before, you couldn't hold in your psychological meltdown anymore. You simply let it happen. 


You turned your head to the left, keeping it resting on your knees, as you heard your neighbor's voice. "Hey, Jungkook," you muttered weakly, giving him an equally-weak smile. 

Jeon Jungkook was a little older than you, with doe-like eyes, brown hair that was so long it hung in his eyes and pierced ears, and a kind smile. The black material of his t-shirt stretched over his chest, straining over his big muscles. He was buff, but not so buff it was scary to look at. 

He was your goofy neighbor that you accidentally ran into when you first moved in, dropping a box of kitchen stuff on his foot. He cursed loudly and was obviously in pain, but he still helped you move into your apartment after that - you promised him that you'd take him out for lamb skewers as an apology for trying to break his foot. 

A year and a half later, you considered him to be your close friend. 

Jungkook frowned at you, a beer in his hand, as he leaned on the railing of his own balcony. 

"What's the matter, (Y/N)-ah? Something's obviously troubling you," he said, taking a sip of his beer as he watched you. 

A sigh escaped your lips as you wiped your eyes, shaking your head a little. "I just... feel like my world is collapsing at such a fast rate and I don't really know what to do." 

He hummed, looking down at his hands for a minute. He tended to do this when he thought; his eyes became unfocused, and he kind of looked like he was having some deep internal monologue about the meaning of life. 

Finally, he snapped out of it, lifting his head to peer at you through his bangs. "Well, would a hug make you feel better? Jimin-hyung says I'm good at giving hugs, especially when people are sad." He sounded so much like a child when he said that, and you couldn't help but grin a little. 

"A hug would be... fantastic, Kook-ah. Thanks."

With the way the apartment buildings were designed, there was only a tiny space between your balcony and his, which Jungkook could easily jump, even though you were four floors up. 

Leaving his beer on the ledge, Jungkook jumped onto your balcony, collecting his bearings, before he made his way over to you. 

He lifted you into his arms and sat down on the chair, cradling you close to his chest while you started crying again. 

You felt so safe in his strong arms, one of his biceps acting as your head support while you buried your face in his chest, simply letting all of your emotions bleeding into his. 

Jungkook didn't say anything the whole time; he simply allowed himself to be there for you, taking away all of your pain like your high school friend used to. His presence comforted you immensely, causing you to grab onto his shirt tightly. 

"(Y/N)-ah, it'll all be okay. It might not seem like it now, but it will be. It takes time," he whispered after a while, leaning down so his lips brushed against your forehead. 

"Thank you for being here, Jungkook," you whimpered in reply, voice muffled by his chest. 

"As long as you're in my arms, you won't feel any pain." 

...yeah... I've been listening to Sleepless In _____ on repeat because holy shit do I feel like my world is crumbling. I really do hope Happy Days are ahead for me. 

- Tae

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