Jungkook: VLive

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You were probably the most lucky girl alive. There was nothing about you that screamed rich or famous, but that didn't matter. You were simply ordinary in almost every way. Almost.

Something about you caught Jeon Jungkook's attention exactly one year ago to the day. He met you at your job as a hospitality manager at one of the venues BTS had performed Spring Day at. You were shy and trying so hard not to embarrass yourself in front of the boys, who didn't seem to know you existed until Jungkook's eyes met yours and he asked for your name. Since then, you two had been talking as much as possible, and soon enough he asked you to be his girlfriend.

At first, you were hesitant. There was absolutely nothing about you - in your eyes - that fit the bullshit beauty standard and appealed to him in any way. Why would one of the most famous people ever want such an ordinary girl to love him? But the more you thought about it, the more it made sense to you; maybe he needed to be reminded of how it is to feel human.

From the moment you said yes, he had been nothing but sweet to you and made you feel like you mattered. He never left your side and always hated when he was forced to. Even though you couldn't live at the apartment with him, you spent most of your time there and looked after it when the boys had to go on tour. Jungkook made sure you were appreciated, loved, and silenced every doubt that you had about him using you; that was not Jungkook's style at all.

As much as Jungkook hated it, you had to hide and make sure nothing about you was revealed to the public. If you were found out, everything would turn to chaos. ARMY's hearts would be broken, the press would have a field day, more stress would be placed on the boys and the company, and you would receive so much hate that you would probably end up breaking up with Jungkook to escape it all.

But today was different; you were finally able to reveal yourself to ARMY. PD-nim sat you down and talked it over with you about a week beforehand. Of course, you were scared and very uncertain about the reactions you were going to get, but you were excited about stepping into the light.

Tonight was movie night for you and Jungkook. You both were nestled into his bed watching his favorite movie, which he fell asleep in the first ten minutes of. The boys had an interview earlier in the day and they were all exhausted, so you weren't surprised. Jungkook snored lightly as he rested his head on your shoulder, breath ghosting across your neck. He was warm and cozy and you honestly wanted to join him in Dreamland, but you had other ideas.

As soon as you pressed 'record' on the BTS VLive broadcast, you felt your anxiety flare up. You smiled at the camera and rested your head on Jungkook's. "Hello, ARMY," you said quietly, moving the camera to get Jungkook in the shot a little better. A few comments started scrolling on the screen:

Who is that?

Why is she with Kookie!?


You brought the camera closer again and straightened your head back up. "Um, well... I really don't know how to introduce myself without breaking your hearts. My name is (Y/N). I'm a year younger than Jungkook. And... I'm Jungkook's girlfriend," you managed to finally get out. Floods of comments in all different languages exploded on the screen; mainly consisting of 'OMG', 'WHAT!?!?!?!?' and 'I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!'

A frown graced your lips and you glanced down to Jungkook, who was still sleeping peacefully. His arm was holding your waist and his breath was still tickling your neck and it gave you that much courage to continue.

"Listen, I know you guys are not happy about this. But trust me when I say that I love Jungkook a lot and I understand that if I hurt him, you will all come after me." You chuckled slightly and ran your free hand through your boyfriend's hair. "Surprisingly, me and him come from two very different worlds. I'm not successful like he is; I'm actually studying to become a biology teacher. I'm like you guys; completely ordinary. I'm just lucky, aren't I?"

The comments were becoming really sweet and filled with compliments and words of encouragement, which made you smile as you took a minute to gather your thoughts. "Believe me when I say Jungkook loves you so, so much. You have no idea how much he and the rest of Bangtan love you; I've seen them stress and cry over you guys. I know you are heartbroken that I took your Jungkookie away from you, but I don't see it like that. To him, you are all his girlfriends and I'm completely okay with that.

"So, I'm going to have to share him with you. But to be fair, you guys had him first. Please support our relationship and just know that he still cares about you all so much. He and I both would appreciate it if you just didn't make this a big deal, okay? I only wanted to reveal myself to you so I didn't have to hide so much. Ah, I got my words mixed up."

You chuckled as you realized you ended up not making much sense, but you knew that ARMYs would understand you. So, you sighed and continued to stroke Jungkook's hair. "Oh, and I would really like it if I could spend time with him and not be bombarded. You can ask him how I'm doing if you would like and I will appear in VLives if you want, but I just don't like being overwhelmed with attention and such. Thank you guys for understanding."

Comments kept scrolling and saying how nice and pretty you were, as well as understanding your privacy and promised not to confront you on the streets and such. Lots of people were asking about Jungkook, so you moved the camera again to show your sleepy boyfriend. "Our Kookie is sleeping right now. He had a big day today; all of Bangtan did. The others are sleeping, too. Well, I must end here. Nice meeting you!"

That honestly went better than you thought.

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