Jimin: [In]Visible

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There was something wrong with you.

You were too annoying. You were too mean. You were too young. You were too clingy. You were too...you.

There was something about you that drove your friends away; all of a sudden, they ignored you. Every time you tried to talk to them, they seemed to only speak louder or just walk away from you to continue their conversation elsewhere. But for months, you were persistent and optimistic and tried so hard to keep your friends, but all your hard work was in vain.

In high school, everyone wanted to fit in. Everyone all cliqued up and formed their friend groups and those who were outcasts were usually the kids no one liked or wanted to get to know. You joined the band program because of your love for music and longing to belong in a safe place. Band was supposed to be your safe place; it was supposed to be like a second family that had everyone's backs and loved each other through the ups and downs.

For you, you went to being the tiny trumpet player that won Fight Club during band camp and won the entire show during her freshman year, being the tiny trumpet player that pushed through her anxiety and started to notice how alone she was her sophomore year. Now, you were the tiny field major that no one liked and only gained that position because of your strong commandeering, great conducting skills and ability to tune out all the gossip to get the job done. Sure, you cried while on the podium a few times, but you pushed through and stayed strong.

But now that the season was over and you were in band classes, you just couldn't switch into major-mode to toughen up. Band was supposed to be your safe place, but it was really only another hell that you couldn't escape. It was their fault that you became sick from the stress and realization that you were not wanted by anyone.

You were the imaginary friend everyone grew out of.

While you seemed so lost and alone in the crowd, the color guard/winter guard captain noticed your slow breakdown.

Park Jimin was the only boy in the guard program and the lead captain - he had every right to that title, too. When he wasn't in guard functions, he was teaching ballet after school to first through third graders, was involved in chorus at school and usually went to the ballet studio on the weekends. He was a very talented and smart boy and everyone loved him - well, those who didn't think he was gay.

He was the only one who noticed your slow breakdown. But since he was surrounded by people all the time, he never really talked to you unless it was at leadership meetings during the marching season. No matter how much he wanted to go up to you and give you a big hug, he just couldn't and he knew it was because rumors would spread and he didn't want you to break down even more.

It hurt Jimin to see you in the state you were in now. He remembered how lively you were freshman year when the seniors introduced you to him, since you both were the only tolerable freshmen in your class and the seniors liked you. Neither of you had talked much since that meeting, but he secretly admired the way you talked and how small you were.

But he couldn't take it anymore when winter guard was heading to the gym to practice for the competition tomorrow and heard soft sobs coming from right outside the band room. Jimin set his saber and water bottle down and made his way over to you.

You were curled up in a ball as you sobbed into your knees, body shaking violently. Jimin's heart ached as he heard you crying; he hated it when anyone cried and always tried desperately to make them smile no matter if he knew them or not. He was too pure for this world like that.

"Hey, (Y/N)-ah," Jimin said quietly as he squatted down and rested his hand on your shoulder. You flinched and looked up, sniffling as you gazed into his sweet brown eyes. "H-hi, Jimin," you stuttered out, quickly wiping your tears on your hoodie sleeve. Jimin frowned and tilted his head, bangs falling to form a heart. "I know we don't really talk, but you know you can come to me when something's bothering you, right?" he said, lifting your chin with a chubby finger.

Of course you knew that. Even though you were field major, people tended to go to Jimin when something was bothering them. He was really easy to talk to and his words calmed people. He was just nice like that.

"I-I'm just tired of b-being invisible, Jimin. It h-hurts so much," you whimpered and his hand moved to rest on your cheek, thumb gently wiping away all the tears. "Shh, (Y/N)-ah. I'm here now," he cooed and let you hug him as you calmed back down. No words other than sweet nothings were whispered and you found yourself melting into him. Jimin smiled into your hair when he felt you relax into his chest.

After a few more minutes, he pulled back enough to be face-to-face with you, thick lips pulled into a smile.  "We have a competition tomorrow. Would you like to spend the night and come with us?" he offered sheepishly and you thought for a while. It would be really nice to spend time with Jimin without anyone there to judge them, as well as see winter guard's show. Plus, you wanted to truly see Jimin in his element as he took the stage for competition.

You nodded and he smiled a wide eyesmile that made his cheeks even chubbier. "Great! You can steal a pair of my sister's jeans tomorrow, but you're wearing one of my shirts. I have to go to practice now, though. Come watch!" he cheered as he pulled you up off the ground and collected his things, then led you to the gym.

Thanks to Park Jimin's kind soul, you no longer felt invisible.

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now