Hoseok: Take Care

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It was a long weekend for you and your boyfriend of three years, Hoseok. You had planned to come over to his house early on Friday and have a lazy day, opting to save going out into the city for Saturday, but it all went downhill the minute you set foot in the house. 

Somewhere upstairs, you heard what sounded like your boyfriend throwing his guts up at seven in the morning. 

"Hobi?" you called as you slipped off your shoes and jacket, leaving your overnight bag by the front door so that you could dash up the stairs. Your feet carried you to the end of the hall, where the master-bedroom - Hoseok's bedroom - was, not even attempting to knock as you barged through the door. 

The bathroom door was open, and you could hear Hoseok throwing up inside. 

"Baby." He was pale and shaking, sweating through his tanktop that he usually slept in, as he hovered over the toilet, dry-heaving into it. You knew better than anyone that Hoseok hated being sick - he always thought he was going to be taken to the hospital - and tried to avoid it the best he could. He just wasn't so lucky this time.

He didn't even flinch when you sat down on the floor next to him, rubbing his back while he emptied stomach acid into the toilet. Your hand was cold against his burning, sweaty back; he was definitely running a high fever. A light whimper left his lips as he gripped his stomach in pain, the vomiting finally subsiding for the time being. 

"(Y/N), please don't make me go to the hospital!" Hoseok cried out rather pitifully, looking at you with eyed weighed down from exhaustion. You quickly shushed him and nodded, giving him a sympathetic smile. "I know, baby. We won't go to the hospital, okay? I'll take care of you," you said gently, pushing his sweaty bangs out of his eyes. 

He shook his head and whined. "No, you'll get sick, too!" You shook your head in defiance, forcing him to look back at you. "Not if I don't kiss your lips, Hobi. I'm taking care of you whether you like it or not." Determination was clear in your voice, and Hoseok was way too weak to fight back. 

Instead, he accepted defeat and leaned heavily against you after flushing the toilet. "Thanks, (Y/N). Sorry I ruined our plans," he mumbled, resting his head on your shoulder while you wrapped your arms around his waist. "Oh shut up, Hobi! I just want you to feel better, okay?" you replied, earning a light chuckle. 

"Alright," you groaned, pulling Hoseok up as you stood, "time for a hot bath to break your fever." With one hand keeping Hoseok up, you leaned over to turn on the water in the rather large bathtub. Once it was hot enough, you plugged the drain and let it fill up. 

"Can you get your clothes off?" you asked him once you straightened up a little more. He nodded, sending you a small smile as he began to take his tanktop off. With that, you left your boyfriend to his bath, leaving the bathroom door cracked a little just in case anything bad happened, and moved to his closet to find him something to wear. 

You figured Hoseok wouldn't want to wear much, so you just picked out a pair of green boxers for after his bath and a rather large shirt for yourself. You simply changed in his room, slipping on a pair of pajama pants that didn't fit your boyfriend anymore, then stuck your head in the bathroom. 

"Everything okay?" you asked, setting the pair of boxers on the counter. Hoseok was laying back in the water, eyes closed. "Yeah, I'm good. I'll be out in a few minutes," he reassured you, smiling lightly to himself as he enjoyed the bath. 

Downstairs in the kitchen, you knew Hoseok kept his medicine in one of the cabinets. You found him some nausea tablets and something to help with his fever, then filled a cup with water. You also found a thermometer, taking it back upstairs with you since you needed to check his temperature. 


A few hours later, you both had laid down in Hoseok's bed to get a little bit of rest. Hoseok's fever was gone, but he was still a little nauseous, so you decided to force him to sleep on the side furthest from the wall, just so that he didn't end up throwing up on you. 

Hoseok was fast asleep in your arms, his face tucked into your collar bones. His arms were wrapped securely around your waist, preventing you from going anywhere if you wanted to. Buy you really didn't want to. You smiled as you traced random shapes and patterns on his bare back, loving how his muscles flexed slightly with his breathing. 

Even though your boyfriend was sick, it was still nice to spend time with him like this. It didn't matter that your plans for the next day were definitely cancelled; you would take watching over a sick Hoseok over going out into the city any day. All he did was sleep, but it gave you time to appreciate him more; it gave you time to think. 

Too many times has Hoseok taken care of you when you were sick. He would go over the top just to make sure you could recover faster, and it made your heart soar. You always told him that one day, you were going to repay him for all of those times. Now, you finally could by taking care of him. 

"Lovely?" Hoseok croaked as he opened his eyes, subconsciously pulling you even closer to him, if that was even possible. "Yeah?" you replied, smoothing a hand up his back to settle into his hair, stroking the silky strands slowly.

His lips brushed against your skin; gentle kisses worked their way up your neck before stopping right behind your ear. "Thank you for this. I feel so much better." You felt his smile behind your ear, which only made you smile more. "Of course, Hobi-baby. I'd do anything for you." 

Hoseok hummed, rubbing the heel of his palm into that one spot on your back that always hurt. "You always take good care of me." You kissed his forehead, hugging him tightly. "Only because you take good care of me, too."

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now