Hoseok: Code Red

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You couldn't move. The pain you were experiencing was so bad that you couldn't get out of the floor. You had been laying in the doorway between your room and the bathroom for a few hours - ever since five in the morning, actually. For some reason, every time mother nature called, it was like she was saying, 'Sup, bitch! Time to fucking die. This is what you get for being a girl.' 

The only reasons you refused to take birth control was because it would fuck up your hormones and your cycle, and you would much rather be regular and bare the painful consequences than have less pain and be irregular. So there you were, quietly wishing for the reaper to take you away as you lay in the fetal position in the floor. 

At around one in the afternoon, you hear a faint knocking on your apartment door, along with a cheerful, "(Y/N), I'm here! I brought you lunch!" 

Fuck. You had totally forgotten that Hoseok was coming over today to spend some time with you. In your pain-induced daze, you had failed to remember planning this day with him a few days prior. Thank god you had left your door unlocked and had your phone with you, quickly texting him and telling him to come in and into your room. 

Obviously, he had done as he was instructed, for you heard his footsteps coming closer until your door opened. "(Y/N)? Where are you?" Hoseok asked, searching around your room as you lifted up your arm and waved, muttering, "Here, Hobi." Hoseok's eyes widened and he quickly made his way over to you, resting your head in his lap as he moved the hair from your eyes. "Why are you on the floor, baby?" he asked, eyes filled with worry as he gazed down at you. 

You sighed and looked away from him. "Lady pains." You knew how sensitive Hoseok was to this topic, but he was always a good sport about it. His ears turned red as he let out a small, "Oh..." then cleared his throat and laced your fingers together with his. "Can I do anything for you?" You nodded and kissed his hand, glancing over to the bed. "Can you, uh, put me on the bed, then get me some pain medicine?" you asked sheepishly, earning a light smile and a nod. "Of course," Hoseok replied, then lifted you off the floor and onto the bed, tucking you in with a kiss to your forehead before going into the kitchen. 

You turned your television to Netflix, pulling up the show you had convinced Hoseok to watch with you, The Haunting of Hill House. Your poor boyfriend always curled into your for support as you watched this, but that as partially why you loved watching it; you were both scaredy-cats and usually tried to hide behind one another during scary movies and the like. As soon as you were about to press play on Episode Four (you both had just gotten into this show), Hoseok returned with lunch and your pain medicine. 

He gave you a little smile as he set everything down. "Hey, we're watching this scary thing again?" he asked, giving an apprehensive look towards the television. "Yes," you replied with a giggle, pecking Hoseok's lips as he leaned over to kiss you. You felt his hands go to your abdomen, gently massaging circles right where it hurt. Hoseok always did this when your cramps were bad. "So, we're just gonna have a lazy day, I assume," he said quietly, watching as you closed your eyes and hummed. "Mhm. Sorry, Hoseokie." 

Hoseok shrugged and removed his hands from you, then kicked off his jeans and laid down on the other side of the bed, holding an arm out so that you could curl up under his arm after you took your medicine. You did exactly that, pressing 'play' on the show simultaneously. Hoseok kissed the top of your head, resting his own on top of it right after. "I hope you stop hurting soon, (Y/N)-ah. And I hope I don't get so freaked out by this dumb show," he grumbled, laughing when you slapped his hand playfully. 

"Oh, shut up," you giggled, pressing a kiss into his neck, "You love it." Hoseok chuckled as well and rubbed your thigh innocently. "Yes, yes I do." 

I don't even know. Happy Days!

- Tae

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