Jimin: 花吐き病

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Dedicated to lucybug16 because she wanted this so badly and I let her down because i couldn't think of a plot. This was a spur of the moment thing, so i hope you love it, doll!

Blood covers his lips

As he lays face-up on the floor. 

His bedroom is dark; 

Not a single light shines - 

Save for the moon

Illuminating his pale skin.

One flower pedal,

Two flower pedals,

More and more he coughs up,

All covered in his blood. 

His airways are closing up;

His time to go is near. 

Never again shall he 

Love so deeply.

Never again shall he

Find happiness in another,

For another is the reason 

He faces a premature death. 

But he knows it's his fault - 

He never should have

Opened up his heart. 


The girl he loved too much,

Didn't love him back. 

The girl who saved his life 

Is now the reason

He meets his demise. 

While she walks away with her love - 

His best friend - 

He suffocates on flower pedals


There is no reason

For Park Jimin to be angry. 

In fact, 

He's so glad 

That (Y/N) found love

In someone he trusts. 

Yoongi will treat her

Like she deserves. 

A smile crosses his bloody lips

As the light leaves his eyes. 

Jimin will be happy in Heaven,

Watching over the girl who 

Never loved him

Like he loved her. 

Everything will be okay. 

He loved flowers, anyways. 

Jimin can love his special flower

In another life. 

The moon shines 

Upon Jimin's lifeless body;

A light guiding 

The most gentle soul 

To the most lovely place. 

Park Jimin now rests

Among the Place of Angels

All because 

He dared to love. 

The song is Eric Whitacre's Fly to Paradise. I thought of that song as I wrote this. It's so beautiful, the song will make you cry. It was our ballad in our 2017 show, AIR(I.E.). It was the most fantastic piece I could ever ask to play. Happy Days!

- Tae

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