Taehyung: Emergency Room

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It was like crisis had ceased its terrible reign throughout the city today. Since your shift started, you only had two patients. Normally by this hour, you would have had five. Maybe it was because the emergency room was overstaffed, or maybe because all the patients didn't have anything too serious, you didn't know. Slow days in an emergency room were gifts from the heavens. 

Around four in the afternoon, your pager buzzed in your pocket, alerting you of a new patient who was waiting for you in exam room twelve. You picked up his information from the receptionists, reading over the file as you made your way over. 

Apparently, this twenty-three-year-old male had a seizure in the middle of the mall. His friend was with him and had called paramedics while he made sure his friend didn't hit his head, as well as timed the seizure; it had lasted for two minutes. 

That was all you read before you were at the exam room, knocking on it twice before entering, plastering a smile on your face. 

Oh my god, this guy is gorgeous. 

"Hello, are you Kim Taehyung?" you asked the man sitting on the bed, watching as his eyes flicked from the television to you.

They were slightly dilated and appeared to be out of focus, and his face was an odd mixture of green and grey. He nodded slowly, wincing at the movement of his head. You noticed the man sitting next to him in the chair - probably the friend he was with when his seizure happened. 

"And you're the friend, I assume?" you asked him, earning a sheepish nod. "Yeah. I'm Jungkook," he breathed out, nervously glancing at Taehyung in between his words. You nodded and logged onto the monitor by the bed. "Well, I'm (Y/N), I'll be your nurse this evening," you said, quickly pulling up Taehyung's information on the monitor as well. 

"Okay, so care to explain what happened?" you asked, locking eyes with Taehyung. The poor man looked absolutely miserable and overwhelmed. He stared down at his hands, jolting slightly when you fixed the bed to get him in a more comfortable position. 

"Well, I... I was walking wit... with Jungkook, and... and then I was in an ambulance," he mumbled, his deep voice surprising you just a little bit. You nodded, then looked to Jungkook. "He seized for two minutes, right?" you asked, earning a nod in confirmation. "Yeah. It took him about five or six minutes to come around after, though." 

You typed everything into the computer. "Do you know if he hit his head?" Jungkook nodded, leaning forward in his chair a little. "Yeah, he did when he collapsed. I'm pretty sure he has a concussion."

"Taehyung, does your head hurt anywhere?" you asked, turning your attention to your patient. He was frowning, the slightest hint of tears beginning to well up in his eyes. "Y... yeah. Here," he mumbled, pointing to the area around the back of his head. 

"Okay, do you mind if I take a look, just to check for bruising?" you asked as you stepped towards him. He didn't say anything; he simply let you gently tilt his head forward, moving his hair so that you could see his scalp better. 

A frown crossed your face when you noticed the rather harsh-looking bruise there. He hissed every time you pressed down on it. "Yeah, I'll have Doctor Chen look at it, as well as perform a few concussion tests. Tell me, how do you feel with your head down like this?" 

"Like my eyes are going to fall out," Taehyung huffed, sighing once you helped him slowly lean his head back properly. You could tell he was holding something back from you, but you didn't question it; you simply typed everything into the computer. 

"Alright, so we're gonna perform and EKG and do some blood and urine tests, Doctor Chen will come in and take a look at you, and then depending on what we find, send you on your way! How does that sound?" you asked him, watching what little color he still had drain from his face. 

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now