Jungkook: Video Games and Cuddles

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"Kookie?" you called out as you entered your boyfriend's small apartment. You left your shoes and bag by the front door, then crept into the living room, where the sounds of one of Jungkook's favorite video games was emitting. Video games didn't interest you, but for some reason beyond your comprehension, Jungkook loved them. You loved watching him play, so it wasn't so bad. Plus, he always let you cuddle him while he played.

The pause screen flashed on the flatscreen as you approached the back of the couch. Jungkook was shirtless; clad in only a pair of Harry Potter pajama pants and hair slightly messy. Those big brown eyes seemed to sparkle as he looked at you and smiled that big, sweet smile that melted your cold dead heart when you first met him. "Hey, (Y/N). How was school this week?" he asked as you rounded the couch, taking a seat on his lap. His muscular arms wrapped themselves around you and he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent.

You sighed and leaned into his bare chest, rubbing one of his arms affectionately. "It was alright. I'm sorry I avoided you all week. I was buried to my neck in homework assignments I wasn't even sure I would finish," you said and Jungkook kissed your cheek. "It's okay, doll. I was busy with homework and school, too. But now we can relax with each other for the day," he mumbled and a small smile washed across your face.

He let you go and picked up his controller, stretching out on the couch as he looked up at you with innocent eyes. "Lay with me," he whined and you rolled your eyes but complied nonetheless. You buried your face in his collar bones and wrapped an arm around his tiny waist, closing your eyes as he resumed his game.

Days like this were your favorite because you didn't have to make conversation or do anything in order to have a good time. Simply laying in Jeon Jungkook's arms after a stressful week of school was exactly what the doctor ordered, in your opinion. The muscles in his arms flexed as he mashed buttons on his controller, which was oddly relaxing considering your head was resting on his bicep. You admired your boyfriend's muscular chest, placing gentle kisses on it while you massaged his lower back.

A deep hum came from his chest as you continued to kiss his collar bones, your hand slowly sliding up his back to feel the muscles there. When you placed a kiss to the underside of his jaw, you heard the sounds from the video game stop and the controller clatter to the carpet, then felt a warm hand press against your back.

Jungkook looked down at you with those big brown eyes. "What are you doing?" he chuckled, tucking a lock of hair behind your ear. You smiled and shrugged, kissing his jaw once again. "I missed my Kookie. I need your cuddles," you replied, breaking out into an embarrassed giggle afterwards. He chuckled at your antics and cupped the side of your face, gently moving it so your lips would meet his.

Kissing Jungkook always felt like the first time he kissed you. It brought you back to last year; when you were a freshman in college and had absolutely no friends or support system, but a sophomore named Jeon Jungkook took the time to get to know you and become your best friend, then eventually your boyfriend. And he kissed you after your first date, when he dropped you off at your apartment. It was the sweetest kiss you had ever been given.

Every single one of his kisses brought back that sweet memory. And every single one of his kisses were so sweet that they left you craving more. "I love you, (Y/N). I know I never said it before, and you've been saying it for almost two months now, but I do love you. I've always loved you. I just wasn't ready to say it, to confirm it, just yet," Jungkook mumbled against your lips.

You kissed him gently, deeply, one last time. "I know you do, Jungkookie. I could tell in your actions. But it's so nice to hear you say it out loud," you said quietly, rubbing his collar bones with the tips of your fingers. Jungkook kissed your forehead and rested his chin on your head, holding you tight as he let out a long sigh. "Can we stay like this forever?" he asked, causing you to chuckle slightly.

"I want to stay like this forever, too. Trust me," you replied, hugging him to the best of your abilities. Jungkook closed his eyes and rubbed your back. "I want to sleep," he mumbled into your hair. That caused you to roll your eyes. "I do too, but I'm not sleeping on this damn couch. You'll either push me off or lay on me. I love you, but you're like twice my size," you said, letting out a scream as you were pushed off the couch. "What the hell, Jungkook!"

Wild laughter filled the apartment as he rolled around, clutching his stomach as he laughed. "You asked for it," he giggled and you rolled your eyes, then walked down the hall to his bedroom. "Your bed is mine now, Kook," you grumbled and he chased after you, grabbing you and tackling you to the bed. "Nope! It's ours!" he cheered, sending you a cheeky smile before he kissed your nose.

"Just go to bed, Jungkook."

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now