Yoongi: Birthday

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Yoongi was still asleep at one in the afternoon since he pulled an all-nighter at the studio. So, when you woke up at nine in the morning to get everything ready for this special day, you let your boyfriend sleep.

Today was Yoongi's birthday and you planned a lazy day with him since he said he didn't want anything special for his twenty-fifth birthday. But you wanted to make him a special dinner and at least look somewhat sexy for him.

The other day, you bought a cute black sweater that would be a little bit bigger on your boyfriend (if you managed to somehow make him wear the sweater). You also had on a pair of black boy-shorts that hid underneath the huge sweater. To top the outfit off, you had your hair up in a topknot and your glasses on your nose, as well as a pair of black stockings on your feet.

It took a few hours to cook Yoongi's favorite stew and you let it rest in the crock pot just to keep it warm. Everything was ready for your boyfriend when he woke up, which could be any moment because he usually woke up around two in the afternoon when he pulled all-nighters. So, you decided to make some coffee for him so that he could grasp the concept of reality and appreciate his birthday properly.

About five minutes after you started brewing coffee, the feeling of those warm, rough hands were on your waist and slowly turning you around. Yoongi was shirtless and he had that sweet, tired smile on his face that he always looked at you with when he woke up every morning. "Hey, baby," he mumbled and you smiled dopily up at him, hands resting on his biceps. "Happy birthday, honey," you replied happily.

He hugged you tight and you giggled as his hands moved down to your ass to give it a light squeeze and a pat before he let you go. "Thanks. I don't feel older yet," he said as he got his coffee and took a sip as he looked you up and down. "Damn, from the waist up, you're a cute little koala. Waist down... goddamn," he groaned and you laughed wildly as he chuckled into his mug that you got him for Christmas.

"Glad you like it. It's your present from me," you said innocently and Yoongi pulled you close to him once again. "You didn't have to do this, but... I am one-hundred percent grateful that you did because you may or may not be in for a long night, baby girl," he replied and you shuttered slightly in excitement.

The whole day was spent on video chat with Yoongi's friends, who were all on vacation and promised to do a VLive when they all got back, which was perfectly fine with him. Then, we just laid on the couch and watched all of his favorite movies and ate dinner around six in the evening. For you, today had been really relaxing and stress-free, since Yoongi really only ever wanted peace and quiet and no worries.

"Baby," Yoongi whispered in the middle of the final movie as you shared a tub of ice cream. You looked up from your ice cream and locked eyes with your cute boyfriend, who leaned over and placed a sweet, gentle kiss to your lips. "Thank you for one of the best birthdays ever," he said against your lips and you hummed and nuzzled him. "I know this was all you wanted, since everything has been so crazy. I'm just glad you had a great day."

He smiled and kissed you again. "It's always a great day with you. And it will be an even greater night," he growled and nipped your bottom lip before taking the ice cream and spoons on the coffee table before scooping you up in his arms and carrying you to the bedroom.

"Happy birthday, you dork!" you giggled, but were only met with that gummy smile.

HER: BTS x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now