Taehyung: Panic

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You were totally fine five minutes ago. You were just sitting on the couch watching Train to Busan, since your parents weren't home and you were able to have the living room television. They were currently out on their weekly date, leaving you alone in the house for the night. You didn't mind how quiet it was without your mom yelling about random things and your dad watching sports and screaming when his team was losing miserably or made a good play. Plus, you had your cat for company, even though he was asleep on the armrest of the couch and purring like a freaking motor.

You were totally fine, until everything hit you like a truck.

With the recent threats directed towards so many schools in your area, as well as your own school, everyone panicking about it, people making jokes about it, those people who made the threats getting arrested, it was a wonder how you've lasted this long without finally crumbling.

That fear, as well as all your school work piling up one project after another, lots of reading, physics labs, were finally catching up to you. It was those thoughts that hit you and finally crushed your sanity - what little of it you had left, at least.

Big fat tears rolled down your cheeks and you buried your face in the blanket you were currently covered with to try and calm you down. Your emotions were slowly getting the best of you and within six minutes you were full-on sobbing and gasping for air. There was no way in hell you were going to stop any time soon or on your own, for that matter.

With as much strength you could muster, you found your phone on the floor below you and pressed one on your speed dial. On the second ring, the line connected with a bunch of boys yelling, which only scared you and made you cry harder.

"Shut the fuck up! (Y/N)?"

You tried to steady your voice as you replied with a whimper. "Taehyung!"

Kim Taehyung was your best friend/sort-of boyfriend in the world, even though he acted like he came from a different planet ninety-nine percent of the time. He was like a hype man most of the time and got excited way too easily, but he also had other 'powers' that made you love him so much.

He was only two years older than you and still a technical child, but when something went wrong, he was a strong, concerned man who only aimed to fix whatever was broken. His deep voice was able to soothe even the most angry people and his warm embrace was gentle enough to stop a war. His scent was like a blue sky; laundry detergent mixed with his natural scent and for some reason, it was able to make just about anyone happy when he hugged them.

Everything about him was perfect in your eyes. Besides, he was the only one who could seriously calm you down from these crazy panic attacks.

The murmuring in the background stopped, and I guess the rest of his friends heard you through the phone. "Hey, hey! What's wrong!? What happened!?" Taehyung said and you could imagine his lips parted slightly and turned in a frown, worry wrinkle on his forehead and eyes focused on a random point. You sniffled and stifled a sob. "I don't know! I was fine and... Taehyung, I need you!" You failed at holding it in and let out a huge sob, which caused some distant mumbling from Taehyung and a bunch of, "Go! Now!" from Taehyung's friends.

"I'll be there in a second, I promise. The guys were about to leave anyways. That's what we were arguing about when you called." He sounded like a heard of elephants, since he was probably running down the stairs and through his house, which was across the street from your own. "Front door's unlocked," you replied before hanging up.

Not even three minutes later, the front door opened and closed and you heard rapid footsteps through the house, which grew louder as they entered the living room. A weight pressed down on the couch and you were carefully lifted into a pair of strong arms. Taehyung set you in his lap as he held you close to his chest and leaned back against the couch.

"Shh, I'm here. TaeTae's here. I got you," he cooed into your hair as you cried, deep voice making his chest vibrate against your head. You held onto him with all your strength and he held you back just as tightly, if not a little tighter just to make you calm down faster. He hated it when people, especially you, cried because he would start to cry too.

His hand rubbed your back and your tears soaked through his shirt, but you knew he didn't mind. "Breathe, (Y/N). Breathe," he said and you took a deep breath, his scent calming you down slowly and persuading you to take even more deep, slow breaths. "You're doing good. I'm proud of you, my girl. Just focus on me," he cooed as he started placing light kisses into your hair.

After a few minutes of slow breathing and listening to Taehyung sing, you were completely calm and relaxed in his arms. He hummed and brought your face to be level with his. He smiled as he gazed into your slightly teary eyes, which he wiped for you before giving your nose a short peck. That managed to pull a short giggle from you before you kissed his cheek appreciatively and knocked your foreheads together. You felt his hand move to the back of your neck, fingers brushing through your hair slightly.

"Are you alright now?" Taehyung muttered after a bit of silence. "Yeah. I'm sorry if I scared you, I just... Thank you Tae. I really appreciate this," you whispered back before burying your face in his neck as you hugged him tightly. He wrapped his arms around you and hid his face in your hair as you both sat there in a warm, comfortable silence for a little bit.

You kissed his neck and you both parted from the bear hug, still keeping your closeness. "I'm glad your okay, (Y/N). I need my girl to be okay - is that my shirt?" Taehyung frowned as he fiddled with the sleeve of your T-shirt, which was actually the shirt Taehyung left the last time he spent the night. Ever since he left it, you had been using it as a night shirt. You giggled as he finally realized it and nodded, earning a pout and a peck on your cheek. "Cute."

"Are you going to go back home?" you asked timidly, earning a smirk and raised eyebrows. "Not if you don't want me to. Plus, you're warm and I'm perfectly fine with holding you for the rest of eternity," Taehyung said, squeezing you once again. You giggled and cuddled up even more to him as he laid down on the couch with you on his chest.

For the rest of the night, you watched Train to Busan and cuddled with your teddy bear of a best friend/sort-of boyfriend. Eventually, the two of you passed out on the couch, but at least you could relax without another panic attack.

okay so yeah our school has been getting all sorts of threats and the people making the threats have been arrested it's not funny idk what people are doing nowadays

anyways, thoughts on Hope World?

Happy Days!

- Tae

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