Introductions pt12: The Gift

Start from the beginning

He saw that before Avarice was a book she was a princess of a kingdom of cold snowy days, and cold frostbiten nights.

Stone walls high enough to hide theb entire castle away from all of existence, she was hidden away like a sacred treasure.

Never allowed to venture, never allowed to grow, never allowed to tell her make her own story.

That was until the day she set out of her own accord and seized one day for her own as she ventured from the castle and eventually meetan adventurer, a kind gentle man who would go on to tell her stories of his own ventures.

The stories were filled to the brim with excitement, adventure, and freedom. Each tell felt more accelerating then the last leaving her soul filled with joy and happiness, this man would become her first and only friend and would eventually become her first and only love.

They would regroup at a place hidden with in the slums of the frozen kingdom as they would be able to keep on this tradition for 2 months until the king discovered his daughters dissapperance one day visiting her room.

She was dragged earlier that day and was brought before her father as he had given a punishment that would change her life forever, as he had her room chained and locked away never to be seen again.

For she would never see her friend again, her lover again.

Eventually the princess out of heartache and sadness would create a book, a book that for told her life and tragedy except in this book within her fantasy she would be rescued by her love as they would move on with their life together.

Every night she would look over her book, read it over and over again, word for word, letter for letter, as her desire for her fantasy to become reality consumed her, eventually her mind, her heart, her body, and spirit would-be bind to the book completely as her desire for her lover became Avarice.

As the years would go by, as the decades went by, as Centuries would go by, as a Millennium had passed.

Her story would decay as her story was deemed by the next generations, unappealing, disinteresting, cliche, and unworth the time of day.

Out of spite, out of anger, out of sadness and greed, she listened to them and took their stories instead.

For Saitama he couldn't believe what he was seeing, what he was feeling for as he saw before him was the fall of a maiden, the corruption of women who sought her love but yet was denied it.

All this time he saw Avarice as the thing that sought him to fill in an empty hole in it's heart.

But in reality it was a women who was rejected by the times.

He wanted but he didn't know how Ashe continued to run through the attacking waves of sand.

That was until he remembered everything the Titans had taught him, every listen he learned from them as he discovered himself.

Accepting himself, and all the wrongs he had done, as he eventually came to the conclusion that it was time to move on, time for life to go on.

And he believed that it was time for Avarice, no, the book to come to grips with itself as well.

As Saitama the closed his eyes as his fist glowed a golden aura.

As in one Swift punch the raging sandy terrain had turned into grassy fields, with trees and flowers everywhere.

As before him was Avarice shocked.

She looked at saitama with hatred yet confusion as she had reverted back to her old self.

And as she remembered her story and what it was to her, how it made her feel as well as what it represented to her.

She was afraid, she was scared, she couldn't move on, she would not move on, as the tears had fallen from her eyes.

As Saitama walked up to Avarice and with his golden fist.

He gave her a gift.

And this gift was the push she needed to be set free.

For the only way to combat Avarice, was with The Gift known as Generosity.

To Be Continued.

End Of Arc

Next Chapter Epilogue.



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