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Lisa's POV ポ遠じ


The emotion embraces my soul-mixed with the feeling of joy. And, I could only sit on this couch, staring at the stairs with the pride my body beholds. This felt refreshingly new, and I couldn't wait to experience 'life' with her.

And only her; my heart wants.

I smile at the thought of kissing her, holding her in my arms, and just being in her presence. This feels like a fairytale; In which two human beings, who despised each other, fell in love. And, I never despised her. I was thrilled at her actions. And ever since then, I never wanted her out of my sight.

And it's very ironic, how the anger turns into love.

For a human like her, who hated my guts for believing in lies— that were made by Kai's father and his secret spy Henry. I'm impressed at how well she handled the toxic situation when she found out that I was the leader of a mafia. The events seemed to pull her into a trance of thoughts, and she finally realized that what we were feeling was deeper than the emotion Kai tried to make her believe she had for him.

From the start, I knew that there was no such thing as her and Kai being in love. But, who was I fooling? I was hurting by seeing her with someone else.

That's why I always came back.

Deep down, I knew I was falling for the brunette, no matter how much I tried to hide it in the past. And now that she knows that I'm deeply in love with her, I couldn't help but feel insecure. Did she love me as much as I loved her?

I know that she took a bullet for me, but I wasn't worth it.

I'm the one who should have been there, in front of her, taking the bullet for her and for our baby, which made my body tense with thoughts. Negativity tried to impact me, but I pushed my thoughts away this time.

I smiled and waited for Jennie who was taking too long upstairs. And things couldn't be anymore better between the beautiful girl and me. My head was spinning with joy, and Pablo noticed that. "Why is my boss so happy now?".

He nudged me, "Is it love?".

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Pablo, don't make me tell your girlfriend that you broke her favorite pair of jewelry". The Italian's eyes widened, making a light chuckle escape my lips.

"Anna shouldn't know about this Lisa". I bit my lip and tried not to burst into laughter again, "She will make me sleep on the couch".

"Then sleep on the floor". I winked playfully, but he begged once again; "Boss, Anna will make me sleep on the couch. I'm not kidding, why are you laughing?".

"Love is funny". I glance at the stairs, "It can make you laugh or cry, but we don't have to worry about sadness now. The future is waiting for me..". I hinted and stood up. My eyes almost buckled out of their sockets when; Jennie came down the stairs.

She's so beautiful.

My breath hitched as I stare at Jennie; The way the dress just fits her perfectly, it was like it was made for her, and I couldn't help but stare. My throat was dry - and instantly I opened my hand for her to take.

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