She was cut out of her musings when she heard a crash not far in front of her, followed by set of voices.

"Such a shame, Keniji." a person said. "Boss thought that you were better than that."

"Please, I can- ooophf" the person was cut off by a kick to the gut.

Anko didn't stay to see what that was all about. She figured that what ever the commotion was about, had to be gang related. While she enjoyed a good street brawl, she didn't tango with the inner workings of the redlight district. They were dangerous men. So much so, that not even ninja dared to bother them or their operations. It was an unspoken rule.

Taking a turn, Anko wondered into the deep alleyways of the slums, making her way back to the village where most of the jounin stayed. The festival was over so she knew that many had returned home by now. As she made her way down the dark alley, she stumbled upon a small figure lying near a dead end fence. Letting curiosity get the best of her, she walked up to the figure, at first thinking it was a dead animal or something. When she got there, she gasped in shock at what she saw.

There was a little boy there, lying on the ground, covered in blood, piss, and what looked like could be semen and dry shit. Anko scrunched her in disgust at the child's state. It was when she reached down to check his pulse that she realized that the kid was bottomless.

Anko was outraged as she looked at this. What sick person would do this to a child? The child had to no more than 4 or 5 years old. Have these people no shame? Her gaze shifted to the boy's face, that was covered in substance like the rest of his body. His hair was matted with blood and cum and his shirt soiled by dirt, shit, urine, and blood. His body was beaten and what remained of his clothes was torn. In all, the boy looked broken.

Her gaze softened as she picked up the unconscious boy. The smell was awful, but she held him close to her chest. He needed help. She knew it would take a while to get to the hospital so she took him to her house instead. He at least needed to be clean before she took him to the doctor. And with that, Anko ascended upon the roof tops and took him to her apartment. Hopefully, she could get the whole story once he wakes up.


Naruto opened his eyes and looked around. He was in a room in someone's bed. The room itself was well furnished and much better than his own room in his roach infested apartment. There were a few vials of unknown substance sitting on the dresser and from the clothes that sat on the futon, he could tell that they belonged to a female.

The blonde looked down at the clothes he was wearing. He was wearing an oversized shirt that covered most of his small body and a pair of shorts. He looked down at his arms, seeing the scars that were still healing. Instantly, his memories of what happened flooded into his mind. His body began to shake uncontrollably as his eyes began to water. His heart rate was beating rapidly and his ears begin to ring. His quaking body became numb and he began to sweat.

Inside its cage, the Kyuubi began to worry. He knew his host was having a panic attack and if he didn't stop it know, he would die. The fox began to push some of its chakra through the seal in attempt to calm his container. He needed him to snap out of it before they both cease to exist.

'Kit.' a demonic called out only to receive no answer.

'Kit!' he said a little louder, trying to get the boy's attention.

Naruto could hear his pounding heart through his ears. His breaths were short and sounded smothered. He was sweating heavily and his body wouldn't stop trembling. Why did it have to be him? What did he do to deserve such a fate? Everyone hated him. Everyone despised him. Everyone lied to him. He was nothing. He was useless. He shouldn't even be here. Why couldn't they just kill him? Why did they have to add to his misery? Why not finish what the fourth started?

Aftermath (A Sequel to A Flash to the Future)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora