Chapter 7 - A Talk with Kurama

Start from the beginning

Naruto just gave him a blank stare. "Right." he said boredly. "However, I do wonder about that though." he mused as he broke the seal of one of the scrolls.

"Hm, I tend not mettle with you mortals." Kurama said as he sat down at the table. "And there are not many human females that can handle me. Us bijuu are a bit more endowed than you mortals."

"Hn." Naruto said as he read over the document. "So the other bijuu have humanoid forms too, ne? I wonder what Nibi looks like. Bet she is a wildcat in bed." he commented with a smirk.

"She would eat you alive, boy." Kurama said. "Besides, don't you have your own little vixen to think about."

"True." Naruto said as he placed the open scroll down on the table. "However, we are not at that stage of our relationship, yet" he said as he broke the seal of the other scroll.

"If you can even call it that." Kurama muttered to himself, however, Naruto heard.

"I know. I'm not sure what to call it either, at this moment." he said.

Kurama just shrugged his shoulders as he stood and walked to the cabinets. He grabbed a pack of instant ramen and began prepare it.

"So what do you think?" Naruto said as he studied the scroll.

"I think that we should only move to prepare." Kurama said. "Like you said before, time shouldn't be tampered with. Trying to stop certain things from happening with definitely affect the outcomes of others." he mused.

Naruto nodded his head agreement. "Hokage, I don't doubt the Hokage is working behind the scenes to change certain things." Naruto said. "Especially the things involving me."

"Well we already know he will increase the ANBU watch. He would want to track your every move." Kurama commented as he took the ramen out of the microwave. "He is wary of you, now that the veil has been lifted from his eyes. Although he won't admit it, you are a threat."

Naruto slowly nodded. "We have to be more careful about our movement concerning Uzu. Thankfully, he doesn't know about the little project I've been working on. However, one little slip up with crash the entire operation." he said as he ran his hands through his hair.

Kurama remained silent as he walked back to the table with his cup of ramen. He sat the table and stirred his noodles as he watched the blonde. He could see the tiredness that shadowed his eyes as he read through the scrolls. He knew that pressures of his life was getting to him. Every since they saw the future, the kit had became a little more jumpy than usual. He sighed. He was going to worry himself to death. The rebuilding of Uzu was important to him. He would even argue that it was that very dream that kept the blonde sane most of time.

"Kit." Kurama called out.

"Yeah?" Naruto answered as he looked up from the scroll.

"Relax." Kurama advised. "You are not alone in this."

Naruto stared at Kurama for a moment as the bijuu ate his ramen. After a couple of moments, his calculative eyes softened a little. A small smile found its way onto his face as he looked back down at his scroll. He could always trust his tenant with his personal thoughts and feelings.

"Thank you, Kurama." Naruto said as he read his document.

"Hm. Whatever." Kurama waved off, even though a small smile appeared his face as well. "Someone needed to snap you out of your stupidity."

Naruto just shook his head as he continued to read over the document. "What are your thoughts on Sora-ku?" he asked.

"I agree that it could be a good investment. Although, it appeared to be a bit of a shanty town according to the projection." Kurama said as he finished his cup of ramen.

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