Famous Fangirls | 1

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Kang Mina was not a shy person around her friends. In fact, she was known to be a bit more of an outgoing idol, who made friends easily and was always seen socializing.

She and Mark from NCT were schoolmates, and therefore good friends. So there was no need at all for her to be shy in front of him, especially when they were MC's on Music Core together for a period of time.

However, one day in particular made Mina crumble. ChaCha and Bella came for a pre-show interview and Mina couldn't even look the former in the eye.

Mark, being close friends with both Mina and ChaCha, did not let this opportunity go to waste. Every chance he got, he was subtly teasing Mina by asking her questions specifically about ChaCha.

"Kang Mina," Mark said in the best 'serious voice' he could manage. "Why are you blushing?"

"What? I'm not!"

"You are! Is there anything you want to say to ChaCha?" Mark asked, wrapping an arm around the shoulder of ChaCha to turn her body to make her face Mina. Bella, laughing to herself, took a step backwards so that the two could make eye contact.

"Uh..." Mina looked at the ground, but then found the courage to glance up. "You're one of my role models. I'm just a really big fan; I always have been and I always will be. Thank you."

Mina covered her face in her hands while Bella squealed in second-hand embarrassment. ChaCha tried hard to fight her smile, but she couldn't help it.



If you watched Produce 48 at all, you knew how big of a fan Yujin was of Seventeen, particularly the women of the group

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If you watched Produce 48 at all, you knew how big of a fan Yujin was of Seventeen, particularly the women of the group. Every chance she got, she was belting Don't Wanna Cry or randomly bursting into the choreography for Clap. After IZ*ONE debuted, she was one of the members most known for her variety skills, therefore she was sent to promote on multiple different shows.

On one show in particular, a few other popular variety kings and queens joined her; NCT's Johnny, Wanna One's Seongwu, BTOB's Sungjae, Twice's Sana, and Seventeen's Madison. It was a boys versus girls cooking show, where each team had to incorporate a totally random ingredient into an otherwise normal recipe.

During the dessert round, Yujin was in charge of mixing the icing for their cake. She noticed Madison kept glancing over while doing her task, occasionally mumbling something about how good it smelt under her breath.

After a while, Yujin grabbed a spoon, scooped up a chunk of icing, walked over, and held it out to Madison.

The older girl grinned and happily let Yujin feed her.

Hyunmoo, one of the hosts, noticed them shyly gazing at each other. "Would you two cut it out?! Just say 'I love you' and get it over with!"

This made everyone laugh, immediately relieving the tension.



Despite being only a few months younger than her, Yiren is a huge fan of Gigi

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Despite being only a few months younger than her, Yiren is a huge fan of Gigi. She's gone on record saying that she simply admires everything about her: her visuals, her vocals, her rapping skills, her dancing abilities.

She's recommended Gigi's songs and videos to fans in V-Lives, likes all of her photos on Instagram, posts covers of her dancing to SVT-LADY songs, and fans have even seen a Gigi photo card on a shelf in her room.

Despite all of this, though, their closest interaction wasn't even really an interaction at all. The ladies of Seventeen were trying to find their seats at ISAC and walked past the members of Everglow.

Fan cams captured Yiren do a double take when she noticed Gigi walk past her, nearly choking on her strawberry milk. The only one of her members to notice was Mia, who gently slapped her arm while laughing.

Fans are anxiously awaiting the day these two girls finally meet face to face.

100k+ reads!!!!!! that's literally insane to me, thank you all so so so much! especially this random influx of readers all of a sudden.

to long time readers, to those who casually drop in, to those who started two days ago: i'm so so thankful for you.

also,,,been thinking of doing something controversial but idk if y'all would like it lolol

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