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Before the fight...

Eleven's POV

As I settled down, I felt something wrong. I couldn't sleep but the boys were fast asleep. I sat up and looked at the tattoo on my wrist. Remembering the memories from the lab. Replaying the memories of yelling back to papa, and wondering all these years why he kept the ipstode a secret for so long. He trapped 001 down there and that turned them into what they are now. What if that ever happened to me? Was it possible to turn into something like that. How would it be possible.

"El?" I heard a whisper. I turn and see Mike. He was rubbing his eyes. "What's up?"

"Sorry, I woke you." I apologise.

"You didn't. I couldn't sleep too." He lied. He was snoring away. I let it slide. Because something was bothering me.

"What's up?" He asks. I look away as I bear my thoughts together.

"It's about...." I started.

"Noah?" He questioned.

"No. I mean, a little but....." I rub my arm and when I felt his eyes I covered up. I look and he looks me dead in the eyes.

"The tattoo." He questions.

"I don't understand how papa could be so cruel. Lock them away like that and forget they exist." I say.

"They?" He questions.

"Yeah, Mindflyer and Demogorgan. Number 1 and 2. It makes you think. The rest of us are lucky we didn't end up like them."

"There was no number 2 or like Ricky said, number 2 didn't last. 1 was evil and needed to be locked away. Maybe 1 created the demogorgan and the demo dogs." I focus on what Mike told me. Thinking how much sense it makes. "But when it comes we can fight it. I believe we can." I reach out and grab his hand. Smiling and feeling better but still nerve racking because somehow it will find us and when it does. We may never see the light of day again.


What was that?........

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