Hopper Finds Out

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~A Month past~
Eleven's POV.

I was fine for a few days more when I realised I had the first time pains. The pains of the first trimester. Stage one of pregnancy. I would eat foods that I felt comfortable with and foods that I wasn't. I ate eggos one time and I was sick after. I took that as a warning and never ate them again.

I felt sad and going through so many emotions it was unbelievable. I kept checking the draw where the evidence was for the test. Making sure it was still there.


I was finally out with the others. Mike took care of me whilst the others played about in the water. I sat on the sand. I wasn't in the mood to mess around. Max came up and sat next to me. She asked what was wrong and I couldn't even tell her because of the other boys. I didn't want Will to find out so he would tell Joyce and then she report back to Hopper. It wasn't safe.

I went to get ice cream and Max followed of course. Because I yet to give her an answer.

"El?" She called. "You gonna tell me?" I look to her as I grabbed my ice cream.

"Not here." I tell her. I paid for the ice cream and took her behind the ice cream van. "Please... Don't tell anyone. Not Lucas, not Dustin, not Will not even Hopper or Steve or anyone." She nods. Her face becoming worried. "Me and Mike had sex." She looked to me confused.

"What's wrong with that?"

"And... We didn't have protection." It didn't take long for her to click onto it.

"You're pregnant!" She neared screamed. I she'd her.

"Keep it down. You can't tell anyone. Not Hopper of anyone of them. Mike and Nancy already know and they know the rules."

"What you going to do?" She asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're going to get big. Your belly is going to grow and people will notice." I shrug. "OMG! I promise I will keep it a secret. I can't tell anyone."

"That's right. No one." I explain. I heard someone approaching and as I turn I see Mike.

"El you scared me. Don't run off."

"Max knows. I told her to keep it a secret though."

"What about?" He asked.

"Me, pregnant." Mike nods. I take Mike's hand and we walk out and back to the beach. Max followed behind. Her face said it all. I couldnt let her go and tried to sort her out before she does something to regret. "Max. Sort your face out. People will question."

"I'm sorry El. I'm trying. I really am. It's hard to process."


I arrived home alone and went to my room. I searched the draw. It was gone. I panicked and checked my room. I heard a knock on the door. I look up and saw Hopper.

"Wanna explain this?" He holds the test up. Lie.

"I'm keeping it for Max." I'm dead meat.

"Why can't she ask her other friends?"

"Because they're male. I don't want to get her into trouble." I take my coat off.

"El! I'm not stupid. How far long gone are you?" He asked, all serious. I couldn't lie no more. He will find out eventually.

"3 months." I look away, tears forming in my eyes. I felt him breath heavily. He leans on the set of draws. Head in his hands. He quietly sobbing.

"What did I say about sex and boys? Three simple rules El and you know what?" I glare at him. "You can't even do that." He screams at me. I started to quietly cry to myself. "When did this happen?"

"When you wasnt here." I say. He wasn't taking the news well.

"I want words with that boy."

"No!" I scream. He turns to me. "We forgot. He forgot. Don't blame him. Blame me."

"Oh I'm blaming the both of you. No daughter of mine is getting pregnant without getting away with it. You're 14, El. 14!"

"Kids have babies at a young age. Read about it!" I screamed.

"You know what." He storms out and doesn't say anything back. I lost the war. He went outside and I started to burst out in tears in the corner. I screamed so loud, the whole house smashed together. I heard smashing glass and I was sobbing away in the corner of my room. I'm so stupid. So stupid.

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