What's Up, Jane?

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Eleven's POV.

Making sure my son was alright was my main responsibility. I didn't want anything bad to happen to him. But the hard thing was, keeping silent around him when me and Mike were having trouble with communicating and figuring out what was best for our son. If I wanted Noah's help I will ask my own son. But he has to support me in this. 

"You and Mike have been quiet lately. What's up?" Kali asks. I look away for a moment before turning to see Mike asleep. I smiled but I'm sure I'm not angry at him. Just a little annoyed.

"We are trying not to argue in front of Noah and he keeps trying to control our son." I say. "Sorry not control. Just.... getting involved. He's forgot I am his mother and what I say goes."

"Yeah, but Noah is his son. He does have the right to say. Same as you but you two need to work whatever this is out. You cant expect to work and save your friends when you're in the mid of an argument. Please for my sake and Noah's..." I looked at our son as he slept peacefully. "Sort this out." I look to Kali. I nod in agreement and look in front. I could do with a nap. I'm tired and can't barely open my eyes. It was 9 and pretty dark outside. I hate to fall asleep on Kali but I can't keep my eyes open.


Mike's POV.

I woke up and everyone was asleep apart from Kali as she was driving.


"Yes." She answers. I move into view and look at El who was fast asleep.

"Uh... how did you....escape." I ask.

"Escape where?" She asks looking back.

"The lab? Why did you escape?" I ask. I was being dump asking these questions but I got to know.

"I couldn't stay anymore. The torture was too much and I had enough of them using me. When Jane left, I thought that was it for me. I would never see her again and left." She told me facing the road. "But you need to tell me something."

"Yeah." I answer.

"Why are you and Jane fighting? It's pathetic really. Fighting over a boy who wants to help his mom and dad to help defeat the evil and save the world. If I had kids I would do anything for them as they would do for me."

"Yeah but she's getting him into danger. She becomes weak every time she uses her powers and I hate for her to be drained fully. I hate to see her weak and helpless. I'm trying to look out for them both. I want them to stay with me forever and if they use their powers I'm afraid I'll lose them. And I'll be alone." Kali turned around and stopped the car. 

"You won't have to now. Just promise me that you will stick by their side. You all have me and the rest of us. We will help and when the time comes, you will know they saved everyone and died as heroes." I widen my eyes. "I'm not saying they will. But if it came up, just remember." I nod and thank Kali. Her words really helped. I feel a lot better. I hope I could say to El's face that I trust her and I just want to be there for her and Noah. If the time comes, I will be there for her. Always.

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