You're So In Trouble

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Eleven's POV

I heard the door open. The front door. I remember the sound of the person who usual walks in like that. It wasn't long till they started to speak.

"Where is he?" Hopper roared. I shaked my head. Here we go.

The door slams open and Hopper stares down at me and Mike. Hands in hands. Laid down next to each other. Fully clothed.

"What did I say?" He started to shout.

"He's my boyfriend. Hes allowed."

"Not when I'm not around. You may be living temporarily, but you listen to me and me only. Got it." I felt Mike get angry. The way his hand got harder, meant he was about to burst.

"Look! It's not your home! El may be living with you because she has no parents to look after her. But look here. Joyce can do what she wants in her own house. Until you get your own crappy home and make the rules there. Then say. Don't say in someone else's house." I was shocked by the fire that bursted out Mike. He was fiercless.

"One problem there." Hopper spoke.

"How?" Mike roared.

"I'm living here now. For good." I my eyes open in shock. Wait! What?

"What?" I finally say.

"Hopper..." Hopper turns and Joyce stands there. "Not now." She says with a soft tone. She looks to us and apologies quietly. She takes him out the room and leave me and Mike to look at each other. What has happened and what the hell is going on?

(A few moments past)

I finally come out my room and see Joyce and Hopper sat down. They stand when I approach.

"Want to explain?" I ask.

"Yes." Hopper said. "Well..." Hopper paused. His lips wouldn't move as he looked like his mouth didn't want to explain the situation.

"What Hopper is trying to say, you are living here for good." I look to Joyce and back to Hopper.

"Why?" I ask. They both look at one another before looking back to me.


"We're dating." Joyce tells me. Dating?

"Dating?" I ask.

"Yeah like, you and Mike are dating." Hopper placed his arm round Joyce. He looked a little happy with her. I noticed a few times. I'm happy for them. I walk over and hug them both. I finally have two parents now.

"Does that mean Joyce is my new mom?" I ask Hopper. They share a look.


"Let's just see where this goes. We don't want to rush into things." Joyce says looking to Hopper.

"And Mike stays?" I ask. Hopper looks down. I pull my angry, moody, evil face. It's quite threatening.

"Sure, love." Joyce smiles. I smile and walk off. I head back to my room and shut the door.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Hopper finally said. I open the door just a gap and walk to the bed. I felt something move inside. I stop and feel my belly. Mike gets up in a worry panic.

"Calm down. I'm fine." I tell him. I join him on the bed and we just sit and look around awkwardly. What now?

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