Let's Head Home

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Mike's POV.

As we were sitting at the table. Without realising El came up and grabbed our stuff.

"Come on let's go." She grabbed Noah's bag before grabbing ours.

"El!" I say.

"Where we going?" Noah asked getting off the seat.

"Back home." She grabbed his hand and started walking out. I followed them.

"El! I called after her. "El please. El what's going on?"

"Get in the car Noah." She opened the door and Noah climbed in.

"El! Will you listen to me!"

"Get in the car Mike!" She turned to me. I noticed she had been crying.


"Car. Now!" I climbed in the car in the passenger side. Whilst El was in the drivers side. I waited for her to explain herself.

"What's going on?" I ask finally.

"Ricky and Marcy are on our side." She said in one mouth full.

"What?" I ask.

"Ricky, he came back and told me he's willing to help us save Hawkins."

"But Kali?"

"He didn't want to go if she did. So he...." She paused.

"You chose them?" I ask.

"They're mucb powerful than me and Kali. I'm sure they can take it down faster." I say.

"If you do this Kali will never forgive you. She's alone."

"I know Mike and I'm sorry. But I'm desperate to save my family. Please Mike come on board with this." I shake my head whilst looking at the diner. I saw Kali looking around inside. I can't believe this.....

"Go!" I say. El starts the car and begins to drive off. I hated the idea of this and if Kali found out and found us she will do anything to hurt us for leaving her behind. Was it worth leaving Kali behind than taking  her with us?

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