Nancy, Help

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Eleven's POV.

The next day arrived and I was already calling through the super comm to get through to Nancy. I know I was calling through Mike's super comm and I hope Nancy is near by to answer.

"Nancy. Nancy, are you there?" I call. I hear nothing and suddenly a voice came through.

"Yeah it's me. What's up?" I heard Nancy through the super comm.

"Can we meet up? I need to talk to you. Only you." I told Nancy.

"Yeah sure. I'll be there." I make sure everything was okay. I ended the call and placed my super comm down.


There was a knock and I went over and unlocked it. I opened the door and met Nancy's eyes. I welcomed her in and she came and sat down. I locked up and sat down with her.

"So, what's up? You sounded worried." I got up and grabbed the stick she gave me. I gave her the stick and grabbed it. Her eyes peering at it and the shock in her face told me all. "You're pregnant?" I nod.

"What does it mean?" I ask.

" means your having a baby." A baby?


"Yeah. A little human. They're very stressful and hard to manage. Did you and Mike..." I didn't let her finish.

"Yes." I was worried now. What have I got myself into? Hopper will kill me.

"I...I don't know what to do." She says. "Does Mike know?" I shake my head. She didn't look to sure about this.

"What do I do?" I ask. "I read that it takes 9 months to carry."

"Where did you read that?" She asks.

"Books. Library." I told her.

"Listen to me. Don't say anything to anyone. I'll try to figure this out. This stays between me and you."

"Promise?" I ask.

"Promise." She says. I am more than worried now. Am I ready for this?

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