Are you hurt!

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(Author: so I thought I would change the chapters up a little to make it excitable for me and for you the readers. I'm gonna jump to the future and the past when they are in Hawkins or heading to Hawkins. Makes sense if you read along. Enjoy!)

A few minutes after.....

El was bleeding heavily. Her knee split open. Marcy was watching whilst puking. El was in pain and crying out. Mike being the sensible person there grabbed a handkerchief and wrapped up El's knee as she cried.

"Bare with me Noah." Mike said to Noah as Noah was crying also. El reached out and pointed to Noah.

"Come here baby!" Noah ran over and kneeled down her. El held to Noah as he hid his face from El's view to her knee.

"I'm gonna have to straighten your leg!" Mike told El.

"Mike, I....."

"Yes you can El. Just relax and straighten it." El nodded after exchange looks and roared in pain as she tried straightening her knee.

"Mommy!" Noah was heard crying. Mike wrapped up her knee as fast as he could. El panting as she had a relief suddenly.

"Are you okay?" Ricky held onto Marcy's shoulder.

"I'm good now." She answers Ricky.

"What are we going to do?" Kali asked the group. They all exchange looks and look to El. El looked to everyone and rubbed Noahs head as she did so.

A few minutes before.....

Eleven's POV

I had no choice. Ricky offered his help and I wanted all of them to help us but Kali was always going to hold a grudge. Mike wouldn't look at me as we drove.

"Mike! I know you hate this idea but I had no choice!" I turn to Mike.

"You did and you chose wrong. I know Kali would only come with us but she could help defeat the mind flyer. These two don't have the slightest."

"Pardon me!" Ricky was heard. Interrupting up as he does. "I know everything that needs to be said about the mind flyer. Me and Marcy read up on it." Mike turned to them and look to me. As I was driving I didn't get to look much. The road was my path.

"Where?" Mike asks.

"There was a law book we saw in the lab way before we escaped. It was about the upside down and the monsters that hide there. It turns out the monsters that live there turn out to be past subjects that turned evil and got sucked to the upside down. The mind flyer you talk about is a past subject and they want revenge. We don't know why but we feel it is going after the one who can defeat it most." I felt Ricky's eyes on me. I was thinking. Was he on about me. The mind flyer had an identity and I never knew till now.

As I was puzzled I wasn't focusing on the road and suddenly was swurving.

"El watch out!" I heard Mike roar. I turned to the road and saw Kali in the middle. I pressed the break as fast as I could. The car getting closer and closer to Kali. Everyone was screaming which wasn't helping. The car came go a halt. And we all started panting.

"Thanks by the way!" I heard a voice say. I turn and see Noah.

"Wait! You did it!" I asked. He nodded. My boy is strong. He stopped the car. His nose begun to bleed but rubbed it away. I turned and saw angry Kali. Shit!

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