Back On The Road

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Eleven's POV

After calming Noah down we got in the car and went off again. Noah didn't answer me and went silent. I was looking at him from the passenger seat and not eyeing Mike because I was mad at him.

"The next person we have is Marcy!" Kali says moving the subject.

"Who?" I ask.

"9.5. One of the twins. She has the heat ability." Kali says. Or it could be her sister. She's a twin." I read the file. Marcy. Heat Generation. This was very interesting. Maybe she can help defeat the monster.

"Where's her sister?" Mike asks.

"Dead. She went into a coma and never woke up."

"How do you know these?" Mike asks.

"I study. Well...try to. Since I lost my fellow friends I started reading on the others. Since we only have two of them left now they are our only hope." Kali was focused on the road. I look up and notice a gas station. Maybe we can stop and fill the car up and get snacks.

"Let's stop there. Fill the car up and get snacks." I say. Kali nods and turns into the gas station. As she parks up. I get out and get Noah. "Come on Noah." He jumps out and we walk into the store.

"You have messed up this time!" I heard Kali say.

Mike's POV.

"You have messed up this time!" Kali says. I turn and look to her.

"What?" I ask.

"What you did? El isn't taking to you and won't look at you. What did you do to Noah?" I turn and shrug.

"Nothing. Trying take charge. I'm his dad and trying to parent him is hard."

"Mike! He's a kid. Kids will be rebellious. That's what they do." Kali says filling the car up.

"Not Noah. Noah is different. Hes unique and different." I turn to Kali.

"Look, just saying here. I can't keep driving you guys around if you keep arguing about Noah. You either sort this out or I walk and leave you stranded alone. You can solve this yourself." Kali was being serious. Her face, expression and tone with serious.

"Im sorry." I apologise.

"Not to me. To her and Noah." I turn and see them talking near the store. Just go up and discuss with them. Be a man Mike. Man up.

I head over. El gets a phone and starts ringing someone. I come close and wait.

"Hop! Hey! Yeah I'm safe. We're safe. How is everything there?" She says. She pauses and nods. "We are trying to get help. Help is on the way. Yeah, I know but I need to do this. I can't let it ruin Hawkins." She kept pausing when Hop would be talking. "Okay. We'll keep you updated." She says. "Yes me and Mike are fine." She says."Yeah okay thanks bye." She hangs up and gets Noah and walks past me. I close my eyes and talk to myself. Do it!

"El?" She stops and turns. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't of said anything to Noah to upset him. I'm trying to keep everything under control." El doesn't change her expression. "I really don't want to argue on the road. Can we work this out?" She looks to Noah and Noah looks to her. She tells him something in secret and he walks off with the snacks. She walks to me.

"You ever shout at Noah like that again. I will break you." She warned. I nodded.

"I understand." I say tensely. She walks away. Wow! When will this end?

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