I'll Try.

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Mike's POV.

Everyone was on edge. El was. The recent call with Hop has made her go silent. She wanted to head home to safe her family but knowing we have other people to find is the hardest.

I looked to Noah as he sat staring at the window. I was eyeing the two girls in front before turning to the window. I need to make things up with Noah. Anything to get them to talk to me again.


"We're here!" Kali spoke out as we arrived. We got out and looked at the place.

"This is her home?" Noah asks.

"It looks like a hospital." I say looking at the building in front of me. I saw El eyeing me and huffing. Kali looked and nodded to El.

"Come with me." She says.

"Come on Noah!" El sticks her hand out. Noah walks out and grabs it. I guess I'm not trusted to be alone with Noah.


Eleven's POV.

I took Noah along with me because Mike can't be trusted. As we entered the building we was walking through corridors.

"I swear. If yiy and Mike continue to argue or have silent treatment I will leave you stranded here. I don't want to be stuck between this. You have a kid to look out for and a town to save. Save your  arguments for later when you save the damn world." I was taken back by what she said.

"Where is this coming from?" I ask.

"Me! I hate arguments. I've had it before I lost my friends. Now they're gone I'm left to be stuck here reliving it again. Please do me and Noah a favour. Sort your shit out! If I get annoyed I'm sure the other two will be." We approach the door and she knocks hard. I didn't respond as I was stuck for words. The door opens and was faced....

Mike's POV.

I looked to my wrist as I was keeping an eye on the time. I leaned against the car so I didn't have to stand about. Go over your speech. Make sure you have sure what to say.

"El, I'm sorry. I am very ungrateful and immature for my age. I was just protecting our child but I have no right. I feel like you have all the right to him!" No can't say that. "I feel like you're more in control than I am. I have lost my place and Im sorry for taking controls of the situation!" Situation? Which is about Noah! Maybe if I brave up and say I will let Noah do what feels happy to them both. I will have no say in anything. Maybe that will work.

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