2 Months

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Eleven's POV.

I'm sure it's been 2 months since I found out I was pregnant. I learned more and I was hanging with Nancy a lot. Even Mike noticed. He's been hanging around me, trying to get close. I do want to hang with him but he can't find out I'm pregnant. It's not fair to ruin his life with being a young father. I'm sure when the baby arrives, I won't be keeping it. Not like it's my choice anyway.

"El!" I heard Mike call me. He was standing at Nancy's door. "Please can we talk. You've been ignoring me and avoiding me since we had sex. What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?"

"No." I got up and took him to his own room to talk. I shut the door and walk towards his bed. Sitting beside him. My pulse racing and my heart beating fast. "I've been feeling under the weather since then. I didn't see no one. Until Nancy helped me out."

"So, you're good?" He asks. I didn't answer. How could I answer something I couldn't tell. "El...please. Just tell me what's wrong. I feel bad for everything."

"Don't. It's not what you did. It's what came out of it that bugged me." I told him, hinting. If he guesses, I guess it's not telling him. Surely.

"Well... Nancy did ask about us the other month and I felt like there was something missing. Or something she knew."

"What was it?" I ask.

"She asked if I had protection. Than I thought back and I realised. We didn't use protection. And you've been ill and not seeing anyone and suddenly my sister is around you a lot and there's something in the room that is probably yelling at me now to notice." Say it Mike. "El..."


"I might be wrong about this but correct me if I am. Are you pregnant?" I didn't answer. His confused face turned to a shocked and horror face. He knew. He figured it out. "El?"

"You can't tell anyone. Not the party, not your parents and definitely not Hopper." I warn. He was too shocked to answer, he just nodded.

"I'm going to be a dad?" I nod.

"And I'm a mom." I answer.

"How are you not freaking out?"

"Because I yet to understand what this all means. I don't understand." Mike grabbed my hand. He wouldn't let go.

"Whatever happens... I will be there for you. For you both. And please, don't give up on the baby." He reached and touched my stomach. I felt the connection. He really means this. Mike wants to be a father. But we're too young.

"Will it work?"

"We will make it work. I promise." I smile and kissed his lips. I feel like I have Mike on my side. Now I need adults on my side. If Hopper will understand. He's not my real dad but he feels like a father figure anyway.

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