Remember What I Said?

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A Few moments after......

As the group was getting worried. El was not getting any better. Her wound had got infected and was screaming in pain. As Ricky and Kali were having a heated argument yet again, Marcy had thought about Ricky's conversation earlier in the car.

"Hey guys! Guys!" She yelled out. Everyone stopped and turned. "Ricky? You remember earlier in the car. Why not now? The best moment to blast that thing!" With a hint Ricky nodded as he understood what Marcy was on about.

"Oh yeah. The bomb?" He spoke. He looked around as if he was lost. Picking up a stone and looking to everyone else.

"A stone! You're gonna make a bomb with a stone?" Kali asked sarcastically.

"No, dumb head. We need to evolve our power like one. But bigger. How you ask? We need to bleed." Everyone looked at Ricky confused and raised eyebrows.

"Bleed?" Mike repeated.

"Yes! Everyone who is powerful cut something so blood can escape to create it. I have the book here on how to make the bomb. I just need everyone's blood. Even yours..." Ricky looked to El. She looked to Mike. Mike looking back at El.

"Uh, I don't know."

"Mike we don't have a choice. I am still powerful being but no powers are coming through because I'm at my weakness." El muttered.

"But can't Noah donate some of his blood for you?" He asks.

"It wouldn't make a difference Mike. Please for me." She plead. Mike looked to Noah and the gang as they stood about.

"Do it!"


As the book was placed on the ground wide open. Ricky sounded the words out. He and others closed their eyes as they tried to bound their powers with others to create a big bomb. Hopefully one to destroy the mindflyer.

Kali looked to Noah as he watched. Somehow Kali knew Noah wanted to help his mom and the rest. But something wasn't okay.

"Now what?" Mike asks.

"We bond bloods." Ricky grabbed a knife and sliced his wrist. Not deep enough to kill him, but enough for blood to escape. He bled on the stone and wrapped his wrist up with teered clothing.

Marcy cut and bled on the stone on the same wrist as Ricky's. They all cut on the left arm to where they had their tattoos. 003, 009.5, 008 and finally 011.

El was the last one to cut. But El was struggling. Mike helped but El refused his help.

"Mike! I can do this." She flashes him her serious look. Warning him. He backs off and let's her get on. She slowly but steadily cuts and bleeds on the stone. Groaning and whincing in pain. She grabbed a piece of clothing, Mike helping her wrap it round her. Noah wanted to but he didn't move.

"Okay! On the count of three. Then repeat after me." Ricky mumbled some words and the others copied. Everyone but Noah. He bit his lip as he struggled to learn anything. The stone didn't light up or do nothing. They were stuck on a bloody stone. After the chant, everyone looked to the stone and......

A few moments earlier....

"So you are sure this will work?" Max was saying through the telecom.

"We assure you you are in great hands." Ricky speaks.

"I was asking my friends." Max rudely put.

"Oooo. I like this girl. She single." Ricky laughed. Marcy stared at Ricky but took back as he looked back. "Don't worry Marcy, you're my favourite." Marcy looked and faked a smile. "You're my least favourite." He turned to Kali.

"Feelings mutual." Kali said turning her head away.

"Kali?" Noah asked. She turned to Noah.


"What's with the hair?" He asks curiously.

"Why you ask?" Kali asks.

"Im curious." Naoh answers. "When I'm older I want big curly hair and short sides."

Mike turned and smiled as he overheard Kali and Noah.

"Or hair like daddy. I think I might get the ladies." Mike looked nervous for a moment. El overheating and laughed.

As the gang pass the sign to welcome to Hawkins they were relieved that they arrived before dark.

"We're in Hawkins?" El announces.

"El! You won't mind stopping by the lab could you!" Ricky ask. Everyone exchange looks and turned to Ricky.

"It's shut!" Mike tells him.

"I know. I just want to see the place again. My bring back memories." Mike turned to El. Her facial expression said it all. She didn't want to go back there due to what happened to her and Will. Kali didn't react but knew some of them were feeling weird about it all. El made a turn away from town and shortcut to the Lab. How many lives that lab took and ruined. El would not feel great after this.

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