A Familiar Tune For The Greedy

Start from the beginning


With Justice League Dark

John Constantine, Madam Xanadu, Shade were Fighting The First Vampire Cain and the fight was become more one sided by the second as Cain was merely playing with them.

Swamp Thing was fighting the demon known as the Creeper as Swamp Thing showed the Demon no mercy as Swamp Thing was Swift and Violent.

Etrigan was fighting with the likes of Eclipso and the battle was becoming more bloody and vicious by the second and Etrigan was not in the favored position as Eclipso was ripping the demon apart but it wasn't a complete one sided battle as Etrigan wasn't backing down a bit.

Zatanna was in an intense battle with Felix Faust as the room became more dangerous by the second by how much spells were being thrown around as well destroying the very surroundings of everyone else.


Doom Manor

Robot Man was fighting a Gorilla Grodd wanna be in Monsieur Mallah as the strength between Super Powered Gorilla and Robot clashed.

Negative Man was dealing with the Strange might of Animal-Vegetable-Mineral Man who was dealt with easily by Negative Man.

Elastic Girl was fighting the Deadly and Seductive Madam Rouge as the battle of Elastic abilities came face to face with each other but Madam Rouge was getting the upper hand I the battle.

Crazy Jane was fighting the likes of Control Freak and Crazy Jane was really pissed by the fact that she was fighting another Loser.

Flex Mentallo was dealing with the always lethal Shrapnel but to Flex Mentallo this was no Problem as he simply flexed on Shrapnel sending him somewhere else that was simply not here.


Among this path of destruction layed the man who was pulling the string as his two associates were enjoying themselves a glass of fine wine.

As these two associates were no other them Vandel Savage and Lex Luthor.

And the man pulling the strings was a vengeful man with a score to settle and a always hungry bank account.

As the man was no other then Slade Wilson, Deathstroke.

"Just how did you do it" said Lex as he watched the numerous screens all over the room smiling.

"I see what your doing but this wasn't the main target, even though it's still appreciated" said Savage.

"I simply made Shallow Promises that would appeal to the right People, Falty deals that would appeal to the money starving crooks and killers, and simple agreements that will only benefit me for the ones who made the agreements are too stupid and confident to realise that they will never win" said Deathstroke.

"Everyday the Bounty for the Bald idiot grows larger and it makes my skin crawl that I haven't captured him yet, I'm going to use the destruction of hero's to find the location of where he is at and then I'll bring his head" said Deathstroke.

"A tune too familiar that I swear I can compose it by memory" said Vandel Savage.

"The only tune I care for is the one that makes me rich" said Slade as he left the room.

"Where are you off too" said Lex.

"To get what I need from the bat" said Slade.

To Be Continued.


Sorry if I haven't updated in a while I just needed a brake for myself as I was just growing sick of writing for a while.

Overall I'm just kinda happy that the fall semester is finally over. And that the Christmas season is finally here.

Anyway i got some plans and I have slot of chapters to put out.

As I kinda have a plan of what I'm going to do with all my stories and that is I'm going to keep writing this story until I finish it to completion.

And then move on to other stories.

So overall what did you guys think of this chapter. Love It, Hate It, Kill It With Fire. If you do love it leave a comment, Like, Favorite, Follow and I'll see you guys and gals Next Chapter.

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