Vol 6 Chap 193 - This miss, can you not destroy another person's property?

Start from the beginning

Duke Heng stared at the three suspicious men carrying the unconscious Miss Wan Ting into a shabby carriage. Her maid was knocked out and tossed to the side. It was clear that Miss Wan Ting was their sole target. 

He had sent a few men to watch over Miss Wan Ting in case Liu Chu Chu decided to give her some trouble. When he received a note from his men, he immediately dropped everything and brought along his student to watch the play written by Liu Chu Chu.

"Teacher, do you plan to rescue her after figuring out their plan for her?" Liu Bing asked.

Duke Heng smiled meaningfully. "Don't you think that this could be a valuable lesson for Miss Wan to learn from?"

Liu Bing hesitated, but in the end decided not to speak. Whatever his teacher decided to do, Liu Bing knew that his teacher would not harm Miss Wan Ting. 

The kidnappers drove the carriage away, and Duke Heng entered his carriage to follow them discreetly without losing them. 

The kidnapper stopped the carriage at the backdoor of a prostitute house where a female prostitute opened the door and waved the kidnappers in with unconscious Miss Wan Ting. 

"Miss Liu is rather merciless," Liu Bing said grimly as he peeked out of the window. "To think she would wish for Miss Wan to be completely ruined by forcing her to be a prostitute."

Duke Heng shakes his head. "Miss Liu must have prepared someone for Miss Wan Ting to be caught in bed with. Marriage is a more permanent solution to get rid of her rival." 

If Liu Chu Chu indeed have the same plan ad Liu Bing said, Miss Wan Ting could still be rescued by Minister Wan from the prostitute house, and he has enough connections to cover the truth. Miss Wan Ting could overcome the trauma and counterattack Miss Liu. With enough preparations and power, Miss Wan Ting can still force herself to enter the Second Prince's household. 

Liu Bing turned to look at his teacher, ready to receive any order from him. He guessed that they will secretly enter the prostitute house, for Duke Heng have a clean reputation of not indulging with sinful hobbies. Not to mention, if he was to enter using the main entrance, they would meet familiar faces of the ministers that frequently visited the pleasure house. Duke Heng would be stopped by them with the intention of playing together, as well as trying to get some blackmail material from the previous prime minister.

It would be chaotic.

Snapping his folding fan shut, Duke Heng said, "Miss Liu had her men use a knockout medicine on Miss Wan Ting. When will Miss Wan Ting wakes up?"

Liu Bing straighten his back, knowing that his teacher was quizzing him. "The kidnappers had poured the knockout medicine onto a napkin, enough for an adult man to remain unconscious for two hours."

"If the medicine was diluted until a quarter of the effect remained, how soon do you think Miss Wan Ting will wake up?"

"Only a quarter?" Liu Bing was taken aback. "The dosage had been strictly measured to a standard dose safe for consumption under a doctor's guidance. It was twenty years ago since then and no one could reduce or increase the dosage without failure to occur."

There were plenty of ingredients able to create knockout medicine, but their dosage and effect was too unpredictable. One could sleep for years and died, or one was able to sleep peacefully for one night. It was after long years of experiment that a group of doctors finally successfully conclude a measurement that always yield the same result. Since then, that measurement was the standard medication. 

"Miss Liu was able to modify the dosage without harming anyone yet." Even if Duke Heng treated Liu Chu Chu as an enemy, he still respect her talent, from what his spy had told him about her accomplishment. "With that small amount of dose, within half an hour, Miss Wan Ting will regain consciousness, but her body will not be under her control until the medicine is completely gone."

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