Cheated (Bruce Wayne x Reader)

Start from the beginning

I lazily lift the phone up to my face, my eyes taking a few seconds to adjust to the brightness of the phone's screen. I notice the text had come from an unsaved number before I open it to see a revealing picture of a woman's chest as well as a filthy message underneath. A gasp escapes my lips, then I begin to notice the previous messages and plans between the two. I look away and close the phone, now fully awake. In Bruce, I saw the chance for that kind of love that people forgot existed, that's why I married him. I saw the type that spans far longer than one lifetime. I wanted a love that was made up of passion and determination, fire with earth, yet is also a serenity souls can dwell in forever.

I knew beforehand that to love deeply meant to risk great pain but I really thought I had found something with Bruce. I wasn't prepared for this. It feels like giving a murder a gun and expecting not to be killed. Why didn't I know? God, why did I trust him? I knew he was famous for shit like this. Why did I believe that if I give him my hearts he would not crush it? Hearts shouldn't be crushed. They should be cherished and protected. Why didn't he cherish and protect me?

All I feel is anger, all I feel is that I don't want to be close to anyone at all because then I don't have to trust anyone, it'll be safer, easier that way. I scramble out of bed and hastily grab my suitcase, throwing all the essential clothing and toiletries into it. Within seconds I'm dragging the large suitcase behind me and heading down the Monor's halls. I stop for a second, wiping a few tears which roll down my cheeks. I sharply inhale as I hear footsteps and step into the shadows, attempting to conceal myself and become invisible.

"Ma?" Jason calls out.

"Mom, what's going on?" Dick asks.

"I'm visiting a friend of mine, out of town," I shrug.

"Why?" Jason pushes.

"I just need some me time," I sigh.

"Does Bruce know?" Dick asks, concern written on his face.

"He'll find out when he gets home." I bitterly reply.

"He'll find out when you're gone?" Dick asks

"Is everything okay between you two?" Jason asks.

"Just peachy keen," I sarcastically retort.

"(Y/N)?" Bruce's voice interrupts us.

When I turn to face him there is no trace of tears, not in my eyes or in track marks on my reddening face. My eyes are narrowed, rigid, cold, hard. Where there had been love is now emptiness, but not in a vulnerable sense. My unmoving gaze is accompanied by deliberate slow breathing as I fight back the urge to either scream or cry. We stare at each other in an odd way, as if it is a silent argument. The last thing I want to do is break down in front of him, but I can't help it. I am hurting on the inside, badly, and as much as I try to control it... I just can't. Bruce silently approaches as if he is approaching a wounded animal, embracing my body in his arms. His touch sends jolts of both good and bad throughout my body, and a rush of images through my mind-what we used to be, who he was to me, what I always imagined we were going to be together, and the reality of what we are now. 

I yank myself free and wrap my own arms around my frame. Our glances battle each other until tears arose, and I find myself crying. The tears were not quiet and controlled, they fall as fast as falling rain and I sob. All this time I've spent with him and I've never looked at another, wanted another. But Bruce, I guess he doesn't feel the same. Although, it's not like I couldn't have seen this coming. There were days where this relationship felt one-sided, he'd shut me out for numerous days because in his words I "wouldn't understand". Every night when he put on his mask, he turned into a completely different person, not letting anything or anyone stop him from his mission for justice, not even the woman he married, me.

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