Chapter 7

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(Jazmine above or to the side)

--Jessika's POV--
Soon after Chris comes back and tells me what happened the doctor told me I needed to get back to Bri.

So me being me I ran to her..

I looked at her crying and holding onto the chair to hold herself up.
(They're in the hall)

I just walked up to her and touched her shoulder. She looked up at me and I just hugged her and she held onto me and cried.

I've haven't seen her like this since her brother died and that was 5 years ago.

But this time it's even worse.

Just holding onto her and her crying is actually making me starting to cry. I mean what do you expect she's my best friend.. When she cries I cry.

About 30 minutes later she pulls back.. Still a wreck but calmed down a little.

We didn't say anything to each other and we just walked back to the waiting room to see everyone around.

Fans outside crying, his mom crying in Chris' arms, Bri still crying, all of Trey's family sitting in shock, and Bri's mom crying in Quad's arms.

Bri once again lost it just by thinking about it.

This is going to be a hard year for her..

Tour most likely will be cancelled, no new music for a while, and her locking herself in her room.

I just hug her again because she really just needs me there for her right now.

She holds onto me and just cries all of her tears out.

The doctor then came out and told us we can say our last goodbyes to Trey.

We all walked in together Iyon holding onto Bri just for support so I can help Chris and Trey's mom.

We get in there and Bri just stands outside looking at him but then walks in.

Everyone just hugged Trey and cried especially Chris I mean that was his best friend I don't blame him.

--Bri's POV--

I really can't do this right now.

All I have flowing through my mind is the old memories of him and I.

When we all went to see him after he was dead I just looked at him.

I couldn't hug him or anything. I just couldn't get to it.

Watching Chris in pain and Trey just laying there made it all real.

I turn around not wanting to see anymore and walk away.

I really can't see Trey like that.

I just walk to my bodyguard so I can calm down and then everyone but Chris came back and they all told me to go see him.

I walk back in and just hug Trey crying and not wanting to let go I let everything go right there.

Why did it have to be Trey like for real...

After about 10 minutes I pulled myself back and stood next to Chris who was also still crying.

"I love you Trey" we're the last words I said then we walked out.

When we walked out they by now had all the fans out of the way and everyone headed out to the cars other than me.

I went to the front desk to get his phone and stuff.

After I got it all I walked out with my bodyguard still somewhat crying.

The fans just looked at me all quiet and everything.

I then turn around and look at them.

"Trey loved all of you guys with all of his heart you made his dream come true" I said to them with tears falling down my face.

I then walked to my car and got into the drivers seat.

Yes imma drive home why wouldn't I?

Anyways I then drove home and got out and just went straight to my room with all of trey's stuff.

Trey- I love you Bri

Bri- I love you too Trey

He'll never be forgotten..

Anyways I just laid on my bed and cried my self to sleep.

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