Chapter 31

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--After School--
~Bri's POV~

Instead of going home Trey came to pick me up at school because we are going to the doctors.

I said goodbye to Jordan and Jessika then got into Trey's car.

Trey kissed my cheek and said "How was your day baby?"

"It was good" I said smiling.

He just drove to the doctor's office and then we got out held hands and put our heads down so nobody would see us as we walk in.

Trey went into the waiting room as I went up to the front desk.

"Hello, how may I help you?" The nurse said looking up at me.

"I am Bri Carson, I am starting here." I said back at her.

"Oh yes, please go ahead and fill this out and give it to the nurse when they call you back." she said back to me.

"Alright thank you." I grabbed the papers on the clipboard and went to sit next to Trey.

--1 Hour Later--

We are finally out of the doctors and I am 4 weeks pregnant as of today!

Even though I am young shit I am so excited.

~Jessika's POV~

We decided while Bri and Trey were at the doctors we would gut the guest room closest to Trey and Bri's room.

We did all that in 30 minutes so we had a fan or two come buy all the furniture.

Now that the room is gutted we are going to leave and go get gender neutral clothing from Babies R Us and some other surprises for them.

Just as we pulled out they pulled in so we just kept driving because we don't want to tell them where we are going.

~Bri's POV~

As soon as we pull in the rest are pulling out which is weird because they usually tell us where they're going.

Oh well as long as they're home for dinner because today is a huge day.

I called my dad to invite him over for dinner with Q and Stink and most likely Iyon will come.

D- Hello?

B- Hey dad..

D- Baby girl are you okay?

B- Yeah I'm fine dad. But I have a question.

D- Ask away.

B- Well you probably already know about Trey and I engaged.

D- He finally did it!?

B- Yeah. But anyways can you guys come over for dinner tonight?

D- Of course, what time?

B- Uhm 6:30

D- We'll be there baby girl, I love you.

B-I love you too. Goodbye dad.

D- Bye.

With that Trey said "mom will be over here with my brother and his wife at 6:30"

I smiled and said "text the others in the chat and tell them we're all having dinner at 6:30 then."

He then did his thing and I went into the kitchen.

I was in the mood for some chicken tonight so I made my famous Italian Chicken, my mac and cheese, and green beans.

My Thug or hers?Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt