Chapter 33

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Even though it is a Wednesday everyone is staying home today.

My grandad called and said that it is okay for us to just skip today because it was needed.

I barely slept last night which meant Trey barely slept last night because of what happened so we put everything that we bought away instead of sleeping.

Right now I am the only one up (it is 10am)

I am in the baby room putting stuff away and organizing everything.

I was putting the crib and all together too because I like doing this stuff on my own and I was done in there in about an hour so I went to the bathroom and put everything I needed to put away in there.

I then went and took a shower. As I was in the shower I heard Trey get up and come in but then he went right back out.

I got out put a towel around me and walked out.

I went into my closet and found a pair of leggings and underwear and a sports bra to put on.

I put them all on then I went to Trey's closet and got one of his white shirts and put it on.

I then went back into the bathroom and put my hair up in a bun and did nothing to my face.

I walked downstairs and saw Trey laying down on the couch. I don't think he is okay.

So before I walked all the way down the stairs I walked back up and saw his phone was still in the room so I got on it and read the conversation that was still up on the screen but it didn't show anything so I went back downstairs.

He was looking up at the ceiling so I quietly walked over and laid on top of him and said "Hey sexy"

He looked at me and smiled. "Hey Mrs.Neverson"

He then sat up with me still on him.

He just hugged me so tight and that is when it hit me.

Yesterday is still bothering him.

I should've known that because he was really upset last night about it too.

"Baby it's okay I promise. I'm here and better than ever" I whispered in his ear.

He held onto me tighter and said "but baby I almost lost you yesterday it just scared me a lot and made me really upset because you're the only one I love. You're the only one who makes me happy baby."

"Awe baby, look at me." I said as he looked at me then I continued "I love you soo much and you are the only guy I ever fell deeply in love with so please don't ever leave me"

He smiled and said "I won't I'll even pinky promise" we then pinky promised.

I heard J talking to the camera so I got off of Trey after kissing him then went into the kitchen and got something to eat for breakfast.

"Bri say hey." Jessika said pointing the camera at me.

"Good morning lovelies!!" I said looking at the camera.

She then walked away.

I then went and sat back on the couch. Where everyone was all of the sudden.

"Ya'll let's do something before the release party." I said as everyone looked at me.

"Like what??" Chris said.

"Dude I don't know give me ideas" I said back at him.

"We could go to Broadway, a fashion show, or go to the beach" Jordan said.

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