Chapter 18

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I pull into Trey's driveway and turn my car off.

I then get out and go and opens his door as paparazzi take pictures of me.

I then lock his door and head down to the studio.

I just go and sit next to Kalin (Trey's cousin) who is helping him record.

Trey saw me while singing and just smiled and kept singing.

I went up to his bedroom to charge my phone and saw that he was being suicidal.

This is really not what I need right now.

Like im so scared now because I don't want him to die to be honest.

I then walk back downstairs and sat on the couch.

Just sitting there watching TMZ everyone was talking about my mom and how im at Trey's right now.

This is becoming funny because they instantly starting saying I forgave him and that we are dating again. 😂

Finally after 15 minutes he walked upstairs and sat next to me.

"So how's your mom?" He said looking at me.

"Horrible" I said back.

Then I added on "she's on a ventilator and im the only kid that has seen her so far.."

He doesn't saying anything. He actually just hugs me.

I miss his hugs and this one is making me want him back.

I really do love Trey.

But for another 2 hours we were just talking and then I told him "you wanna come with me to see her?"

And he said "yes"

So we grabbed our phones and I grabbed my keys then we went out and got in my car.

I took off as paparazzi was taking pictures of us.

We finally get to the hospital and we walk in hand and hand.

I think Trey's gonna have a second chance..

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