Chapter 4

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(Skipping until lunch)


-- Chris’ POV--


Okay so right now Jessika and them are at lunch and she hasn’t eaten since last night so I got her chinesse food and now I’m in the office with Trey.


After getting our visitor passes we headed to where Bri, Jessika, and all them eat..


Bri and Jazmine knew we were going to be here so they sat Jessika to where she couldn’t see us.


And lemme just say when Bri saw us her face lit up like she hasn’t eaten in a few days which is actually probably true..


But as soon as we get to the table Jessika turns around to see what Bri was looking at and she saw us and just smiled.


“Surprise” I said while holding out the chinesse food and opening my arms for a hug which was a good idea.


Jessika then gets up and just hugs me.


I hug her back as Trey takes the food out of my hands and we just stand there for like 5 minutes while Bri is already eating.


She then pulls back and I whisper “I love you baby.”


She then just says “I love you too,” as she sits down and and starts eating her food.


--Jazmine’s POV--


Trey and Iyon too fine today.. DeShawn is too but Trey and Iyon oh my akjfajfuckingakjfhaoi’g gosh.


Sike lemme stop but there’s one thing that has been bugging me all day that I haven’t told ANYONE even DeShawn…


DeShawn and I kind of had sex about a month ago and now im a month pregnant…


Yes you heard that right I’m pregnant..


--Bri’s POV--


“Aye Bri?” Iyon said


“hmm?” I said as I look up at him


“Can I get a ride from you today?” he said looking at me


“Yeah” I reply getting up to throw my trash away.


I then come back and sit down to 3 people staring at me.


Jessika who’s smirking, Iyon who’s smiling, and Jazmine who looks scared.


Oh and Trey and Chris they already left if you were wondering.


But anyways, lunch is now over and Iyon and I are heading to English 11 together since it’s just us out of everyone.


We weren’t talking we just walked…


--Iyon’s POV--


Bruh Bri man… Uhh so damn fine. Yes I said that and you heard that right.

I’ve had a crush on her since I moved here.. I mean who wouldn’t?

But anyways we got to class and I took my seat just as our teacher came in and told us we have an assembly today.


Bruh thank you god! I couldn’t do this class today..


But anyways so we all walk into the auditorium and of course I sit next to Bri..


Anyways we were in there for the rest of the day which was 2 hours..


After the assembly we went back up to the classroom and grabbed our stuff then left whhen the bell rung.


Bri and I walking together to her car plus Jessika and Jazmine with DeShawn on her side and Quad on my side.


We’re all talking until we get to the cars and split up..


Chris picking up Jessika.


Jazmine and DeShawn.

Then Quad, Bri, and I.

My Thug or hers?Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum