Chapter 34

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--2 Weeks Later--

~Bri's POV~


Jessika, Jordan, and I are downstairs talking about today and what we are wearing and our graduation party we're having at my dad's house.

I have on a cute plain white dress on that is short that it almost all tight and my makeup done with my hair curled in a bun type thing.

Jessika and Jordan both had on white dresses too.

Then they had their makeup done and Jessika had her hair naturally down and Jordan just had her curled and down.

Our purple gowns were sitting on the counter as we were talking and waiting for the boys.

They came down and took pictures for us in our white dresses then in our gowns I mean hey we are best friends so we gotta get pictures.

The people I have tickets for is Trey, my dad, my grandma, my grandpa, and Stink.

Q and Iyon are also graduating today.

We all got in the car and I drove of course.

We went to my dad's place and got out.

I saw my brother and ran up to him and hugged him. I haven't seen him in like a week.

Our gowns were in the car and my grandma wanted to get a picture of Q and I not in our gowns so we got pictures from her done then Trey took a few on my phone.

My favorite picture of Q and I was when I was standing on a step and had my arm on his shoulder looking out and he had his hand on his chin looking the other way.

It was a cute way to show our relationship then my dad came over and we took a picture together but my favorite one was when we were off guard acting dumb.

Then Stink came over and we took a cute picture back to back looking at the camera and smiling.

I then had Stink take a picture of Trey and I where we were kissing and she got a few off guard too.

Then my grandad and grandma took one with me.

My grandma then said "graduates get your ass up by the door" and we all took a cute picture together then a funny one.

Tyga and I took a picture together then Chris and I took a few and one that was really funny.

After that we got back in the car.

Only Q, Iyon, Jessika, Jordan, and I were in my car.

Chris, Trey, and Tyga took Chris' car.

Then Stink, my grandma, and my grandad was in my dad's car with him.

We drove to the school with the music on just singing along.

Once we were there and parked everyone in my car grabbed our gowns and went straight in.

We got into the cafeteria and put our gowns on.

We then took a whole bunch of pictures waiting to go on.

I was getting nervous because I have a speech myself so you know.

--1 Hour Later--

We started walking in all together.

Once we were all seated it started.

--15 minutes later--

I get up and walk to the podium.

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