Chapter 3

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--Jessika's POV--

After Trey and Chris talked they wanted to talk to us without the class so we stayed after.

"Hey baby" Chris says as he embraces me.

"Hey" I just say back as I hug him back.

Then I look over at Trey and Bri and they're doing the usual laughing and talking.

Why won't they just date like damn?

But anyways the bell rang so we met up with everyone else and went to class.

--Iyon’s POV--

Right now I’m with Quad,Jazmine, and DeShawn waiting for Jessika and Bri since we all have classes right near each other and it’s just a thing we do.

Anyways Quad and I are talking while Jazmine and Deshwan were kissing and what not.


And about a few seconds later Jessika and Bri walk out talking about Bri and Trey.


So Quad and I just tag along behind them while Jazmine and DeShawn are further behind us.


We finally got up to our math class..


Just Jessika Quad Bri and I so they say bye to the love birds while I answer a text from Emma.


After they said bye we walked in the class and took our seats which are all together.


--Bri’s POV--


We were in Pre-Calculus and today was one of the days where we’re doing nothing becuase our teacher isnt here.


As I was replying to a text I look up to Iyon laughing with everyone else.


Lemme just say his ass is too cute and I would take that any day but you know lemme be loyal to Trey..


No Trey and I aren’t dating but we’re talking so I’m not gonna talk to 6 other guys at the same time plus Iyon has a girlfriend so..


But anyways we were joking around until somebody walked in yelling.


And it was Emma..


All she was yelling about was her stupid face looking ugly today. But I mean that’s everyday.


“Ma’m you need to take it down or leave,” our substitute had told her.

“Bitchhh you aint gon’ tell me to do shietttt.” Emma said


“Bruh she sounds drunk,” I say trying my hardest not to laugh.


But then our principal walks in and takes her right back out of the room.


But anyways back to the good life..


Jessika was smiling while looking at her phone which means she’s texting Chris, Iyon looks pissed which I’m not surprised about at all, and then Quad his ass gettin on my nerves looking at Jessika the way he is like she got a boyfriend..


“Okay class sorry about that but today you’ll be doing this paper” she says as she hands out the paper.



About 20 minutes later my table was done so we were just talking and joking around.


I’m starting to get feelings for --


My phone vibrates and pulls me out of my thoughts


Ging the Manag- Hey. Tour is offically ready and you have practice tonight at 9 at your usual dance studio..

Well okay then I guess I have plans for tonight...


Sorry it's short but imma update about 3 more chapters tonight.

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