Chapter 28

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Bri and Trey were in their room talking.

Chris and Jessika were in the back yard spending time with Coco.

Then Tyga and Jordan were in their room doing god who knows.

~Bri's POV~

"Babygirl you look so sexy in that dress" I hear Trey say walking out of the out of the bathroom and standing right beside the bed.

"Oh thank you baby!" I say looking at him.

He smiles and pecks my lips.

"Oh by the way we as in the guys have a surprise for you guys as in the girls!" He says.

I laugh and say "okay as in me says okay" and I give him a smirk.

"Girl lose that attitude" he says smirking back at me.

"Or what your ass ain't about to do anything" I say looking away.

He laughs and says "Yeah my ass won't but something else would."

I then was about to answer and he started kissing me.

~Jessika's POV~

We finally came back inside since it was starting to get hot but yo it is quiet as fuck in this house. Which I know not to go in their rooms because you never know what you will walk into around here.

Anyways Chris and I start watching TV and cuddling on the couch.

About 20 minutes later Bri comes down in sweats and a sports bra since she didn't really care if anyone saw her in it.

She went into the kitchen and got a sweet tea out of the fridge then sat on the other side of the couch.

"Hey" I say smiling at her.

"Hey girl" She says looking up from her phone.

My guess is she is on Twitter right now.

Right as I thought that she had tweeted something. 'I really do love Trey💕💋'

I had liked it and went back to watching TV

~Jordan's POV~

I walked downstairs and saw Chris, Jessika, and Bri asleep on the couch while watching TV so I went back up and told Trey to come look at Bri.

We walked downstairs again quietly since they look nice a peaceful and he OF COURSE took a picture of her and put it on snapchat, instagram, and twitter.

He then picked her up and went to lay her on their bed.

I went back up with Tyga and we finished putting our room together until everyone was awake.

~Bri's POV~

I was getting dressed for our dinner date tonight.

I put on my white fitted dress with my white heels and a really nice necklace.

I then curl my hair and did my makeup.

~Jessika's POV~

I went into mine and Chris' bathroom and put my grey fitted dress and grey heels with my really cute necklace.

I then did my makeup and left my hair the way it was but I just fixed it so it didn't look I was just sleeping.

~Jordan's POV~

I got on my beautiful black fitted dress and my black flats.

I then went into the bathroom while Tyga was taking a shower, I did my makeup and my hair then walked downstairs to Trey and Chris talking.

Little do they know I heard everything.

"So when are you guys doing this??" I said looking at them.

"Oh uh.. Promise not to tell Jessika and Bri?" Chris said looking up.

"Yeah I promise I don't want to ruin it." I said back to them.

Trey looked up and said "Well we have some idea on the rings and all but we don't know if they will love it. Will you come with us the next time we go to look at them and give your input?"

"Of course I would love to!" I said back smiling some.

~Bri's POV~

I was in Jessika's room talking with her and after she put on her lipstick we walk down stairs.

"Bruh ya'll look too damn fine!" Jordan said chuckling.

I looked at Jessika then at Jordan, smiled, and kept walking down the stairs with her.

"Baby you look perfect!! I love that dress on you! You look so sexy." Trey said coming up to me.

I kissed him and said "Thank you baby!"

~Jessika's POV~

Bri and I come downstairs and Trey had said something to Bri.

"Damn my baby is so fine" Chris said to his phone which means he's on snapchat.

I said "Whatever baby"

Then Tyga came down and looked right at Jordan "Holy shit. Baby look at you!!"

--20 minutes later--

~Bri's POV~

We go outside to see a limo and the boys in sync said "Surprise"

We as in the girls were all so happy about this.

I snapchatted a video of the limo captioning 'get a guy who spoils you'

Then we had the limo driver take a photo of us all together right by the car.

We all got into the limo and I posted the picture on instagram tagging everyone with the caption as 'Triple Date💁🏼💕💋' then posted it. 

Everyone started liking it. 

--30 Minutes Later-- 

We are finally here and it is a beautiful cruise that I have a feeling is all to ourselves since you know Chris, Trey, and Tyga love to do things away from fans. 

We get on the boat to see exactly what I though nobody but us.

But hey that is very okay because you know it's more romantic without so many people asking for pictures and autographs. 

~Jessika's POV~ 

We get on the boat and it's perfect. 

Everything about this date is perfect, I can't believe they pulled this off in just a few hours. 

We were all snapchatting this and then we put our phones away when we sat down. 

Trey sitting in front of Bri on the left, then Chris in front of me in the middle, and then Tyga in front of Jordan on the right side. 

We ordered then had a deep conversation with everyone about being famous and maybe the boys and Bri taking a break for a while since we are graduating. Not like a full break but just a month or two and go somewhere like Dubai together. 

But anyways our food came out and we ate it pretty quietly. 

After we ate the boys took our hand and we went out and did a slow dance with them. 

Like they planned the best night ever for us. 

--2 Hours Later-- 

The date was over faster than I thought it would have been. 

But we were finally back home and I was getting my sweats and one of Chris' shirts on. 

I went downstairs and saw Bri was still downstairs deep in her thought writing with her dress and everything still on. 

I have a feeling she is writing a new song which I know not to bother her in so I just got a drink and went back upstairs and fell asleep. 

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