Chapter 17

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Once everyone was in the car we drove home so we can get into different cars.

Stink and I in my car. Quad and Iyon in Q's car. Jessika and Chris in Chris' car.

We then all head the the hospital.

Stink and I said nothing to each other because we were both hurting really bad.

"Dad said he's doing good" I said to her

"That's good" she said back.

I knew she didn't want to hear any of it because she wasn't in the mood.

We pulled into the hospital and my security guards met me over at my car for Stink and I and Chris' got him with Jessika then one of my dad's got Quad and Iyon.

We were walking past a bunch of fans and they did a moment of silence.

We just walked right by them as quiet as we could.

We get in and they tell us we can see our dad for now.

We head into the room and sit all around my dad and of course me being a daddy's girl I just hug him.

This is really gonna be hard for all of us.

The doctor walks in and says "Bri Carson would you like to see your mom?"

"Yes can I please?" I say to him.

"Yeah go ahead and follow me." He replies

So I get up and walk down the hall with him and into a room.

I just look at my mom and let the tears just slide down my face.

She really looks horrible.

I sit in the chair next to her and just holds her hand.

She didn't move at all..

She's on a ventilator and all..

I hope to god she pulls through but I really don't think she will at this point.

It's so hard to see one of my biggest supporters in life go.

I just whisper "I love you mom" and cry some more.

Once I took control of myself and I took a picture with her and kissed her cheek.

I went to Instagram and posted two old pictures that I have with my mom as a collage and captioned it 'Stay strong Mom I love you so much and I will never leave your side through all of this. Stay strong 🙏🙌'

I then posted it and went back to the room.

I just sat in one of the chairs and didn't talk.

"Babygirl she's gonna be okay" my dad says.

"I hope" is all that could come out of my mouth.

I then got up and said "I'm gonna go ahead and go home.. I just need some time to myself"

"Okay" everyone said as I got up and went out.

As I was walking down the hall I pull my phone out and call the one I can tell everything.. Trey

Phone Convo-
T: hello?
B: hey..
T: you okay?
B: no not really.. Would it be cool if I came over?
T: yeah come on over.
B: okay thank you Trey.
T: anything for you.
B: Imma just let myself in I guess? Like always.
T: yeah I'll be in the studio.
B: okay
T: I love you Bri 😬
B: I love you too ☺️

We hung up after that and I went out with my body guards and went to my car.

The fans were going crazy.

Everyone wanted pictures and autographs but I just couldn't pull myself to it.

I got into my car and headed over to Trey's house.

I hope him and I can makeup..

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