Chapter 37

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(Long Chapter)


Bri and Trey are finally getting married!!

~Bri's POV~

"J I am getting nervous and I don't know why, I know Kayla has everything perfect" I said looking over at her.

We are just now pulling up to the venue with the rest of the bridesmaids.

"It's normal just stay happy and remember Trey will be at the end of that aisle and you will be Mrs.Neverson by the end of the day" she said back at me trying to keep me happy.

We then got out and walked to the doors where Kayla the wedding planner was standing all happy.

"Everything is perfect Ms.Carson, we are good to go all we have to do is get everyone here" she said with a smile on her face.

As she said that I felt a weight on my shoulders being lifted and it felt so good to just know I'll be marrying Tremaine Neverson by then end of today.

We have four hours to get ready so we headed in and went back to our room.

As I walked in I saw my brother and dad and I was just about to cry because I thought of my mom and I saw they made a whole wall full of pictures of my mom and I to make me feel like she is here with us.

I cried and hugged both of them and then they left.

My makeup artist had me sit down so she could do my makeup as my hair was being done.

When that was done I had about an hour and half left so we took some pictures before my dress went on.

Then of course we took pictures as my dress went on.

(Dress in media)

My dress was nothing crazy but it was perfect in my eyes.

We then went out to the golf course and took some pictures before Trey and them were even ready.

Then all of us head back inside and my dad walks in which I really needed pictures of.

After my dad and I did some pictures I got a picture that featured my little boy or girl.

Then a few more pictures and it was time.

Lord I have never been so scared in my life.

I hear Almost Lose It on and I was about to start crying because Trey made it just for us.

As soon as that song was over and the bridesmaids were down the doors open and I see everyone look back.

I then start walking with my dad right beside me I see Trey tearing up and I have a huge smile on my face with Sarah right in front of us walking down.

We then get up there and my dad kisses my forehead and hugs Trey. I hear him whisper 'love her to death' and I see Trey smile and nod.

Then Trey and I take hands.

--15 minutes later--

"Tremaine and Brianna have decided to write their own vows. They are in the programs if you would like to follow along." The pastor says then looks at Trey to start.

"The day I looked at you on the news of you becoming a new singer was the day I knew I needed to have you, then when you came mine I messed up but I got you back. Today is mostly an ordinary day....the sun rose, babies were born, people slept in and we just so happened to be getting married. But the not-so ordinary part is how we are making promises to each other for the rest of our days, no matter how ordinary or unusal they may be.
So I promise to you:
to always laugh with you and to never go to bed angry.
to comfort you in times of sorrow, including a rough Bears season.
to always listen to what you have to say, even when we don't see eye to eye, and to remember love is saying 'I feel differently' instead of 'you're wrong'.
to continue to love our children and to stay by your side no matter what you decide to do.
But most of all, I promise to love you, under any circumstances; happy or sad, easy or difficult, through the sunshine and through the rain for the rest of my days.
I am the luckiest and I couldn't imagine growing old with anyone else.  I don't want to ever be with anyone but you. I love you more than I could ever show or explain and I have never ever seen a girl in the way I see you." Trey said as I had tears coming down my face.

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