Chapter 29

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~Bri's POV~

So we came home from the date and everyone was asleep but I couldn't go to sleep because I was finally getting a song in my head and done.

As soon as I was done writing I went upstairs and said "Babe are you still awake??"

"Yeah baby what's up??" He said looking at me.

"So I finally got this song done come help me record it please??" I said smiling.

"Yeah of course but I want you to change baby so you're comfortable recording." He said back sitting up.

I went into my closet, took my dress off, then my accessories, and put my sports bra and shorts on.

We then walked down to the studio quietly since Jessika and Chris' door was open.

We got down there and I after 5 hours got the song done.

It is 5am and I have to run off no sleep today so I texted Jessika and Jordan to hurry up because we're going to Starbucks and that Jessika is driving.

I went up and took a shower then I went to my closet and put on a pair of leggings and a plain grey shirt.

I put on my grey toms then just put my mascara on because I didn't care enough about how I look today since you know I am too tired to care.

But anyways I then go downstairs to see Jordan and Jessika ready.

"So was it worth staying up all night??" Jessika said looking right at me.

"Well duh. I got a whole song done last night, it needed to be done." I said smiling.

"Okay good at least it is worth it." Jordan said jumping in.

We then grab our bags and I grab the vlogging camera because today is a vlogging day.

I then got into my jeep on the passenger side since I'm not driving today.

I turned the music down and turned the camera on.

"Good morning lovelies!! It is now 6:20 in the morning and we are on our way to Starbucks since I was up all night working on a new song for you guys but that's all good so hopefully today isn't that bad at school today but on a brighter note.. J say hey." I said into the camera and then turned it to her.

Anyways ya'll don't need to know about all of that.. We are now at Starbucks, Jessika got a Double Chocolate Chip Frappe, I got a Caramel Frappe, and Jordan got a Latte.

We then headed to school just having fun.

--30 Minutes Later--

We are finally going to first block and I am dragging more than I thought I would have been. Which is very weird because I am usually okay not sleeping that much.

But anyways we are in class and Iyon started talking to me but he was getting kind of flirty so I threw out the 'how are you and Jazmine card' because you know I have Trey and that is who I want for the rest of my life so I need to let Iyon go.

--4 hours later--

We are now at lunch and I was eating a salad and talking to Jessika.

"So like Iyon came up to me and and we started talking which was okay at first and then all the sudden he kept getting closer and closer to me to the point where I had to pull that girlfriend card on him..." I said to Jessika while eating

"Dude he knows you're with Trey why the hell is he all over you again.. He knows you don't like him now that you know what is going on in his life and his stupid night life like he should know you aren't all about that and you can't be." She said rolling her eyes.

"I know! Like I'm happy with where my life is and that is with Trey like I want Trey for good and not Iyon, I'm ov-" I was going to finish but Iyon sat down so I changed the subject.

"Dude I am so tired.." I said to Jessika and Jordan.

"Well I'm not surprised you were awake all night" Jordan said to me.

"Yeah I know but you know when I get started and I had to finish it." I said back to them.

Then the bell rang so we went to class.

--3 Hours Later--

It was finally 2:55 and we were headed home.

Today has been a really hard day so I just wanted to get home and go to sleep.

~Jordan's POV~

I got a text from Trey..

Trey- Hey Jordan, when you guys get home we're going to look at rings do you want to come along??

Jordan- Yeah sure.. Is Tyga going??

Trey- Yeah he is.

Jordan- Okay so we'll go when I get home. Btw Bri isn't feeling too good..

We then pulled into the garage and Bri got out pretty damn fast. Like sheesh girl.

~Bri's POV~

As soon as Jessika parked I ran past the boys and up to mine and Trey's bathroom and threw up.

I have no clue why I threw up but I did and I felt a lot better after I did so I brushed my teeth and stripped out of my clothes and got into the shower.

I heard Trey come in then leave so I just let him go.

I got out of the shower 20 minutes later and everyone was gone.

Oh well I don't care.

I put on a sweatshirt, sweats, and a pair of socks then I went downstairs and I got some water because I wasn't in the mood to eat anything.. What if I'm pregnant...? What if that is why I threw up?

No I can't put that in my head.

I just laid down and went to sleep.

~Jessika's POV~

"Okay Bri has been acting weird lately Trey.." I said looking at him.

"I know, I know... I can't seem to figure out why though like I truly don't think she knows either honestly." Trey said looking at me.

"Okay so why are we here?" I said looking that we are at a jewelry store.

"I'm proposing to Bri and I want you to see the ring." Trey said smiling and getting out.

Little does she know Chris will be getting his ring for her while we are here too.

--1 Hour Later--

Jessika, Chris, Trey, Tyga, and Jordan finally left the jewelry store so they went to go get food at a quick restaurant.

While at home Bri was throwing up yet again.

Trey and them finally got home and Bri was throwing up at the time so he dropped everything and ran right to her. He needed to be right by her side no matter what.

~Trey's POV~

We get home and Bri was throwing up so I dropped everything in the kitchen and went to be right by her side.

I ran as fast as I could to get up to her.

As soon as I got in the bedroom I said "baby it'll be okay I promise" and then I went behind her and held her hair back.

Could she be... Pregnant??

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