Chapter 22

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"Many people think Trey and I are only together for fame when really neither of us care about that." I heard the interview I did with Z100 the other day.

'Trey must be watching it' I thought as I opened my eyes.

I realized he was still holding onto me tightly as he was watching TV.

All I could do was smile at the fact that it hasn't even been a month and it feels like 300 years.

My phone started ringing so I sat up and grabbed it. It was Iyon, I smile then answer it.

B: Hello?

I; Hey can we talk real quick?

B: yeah what's up??

I: look Bri I don't know how else to tell you this but.. Your mom just died..

B: oh.. my.. god..

I: come down to the hospital so you're around your loved ones we know you need us.

B: okay I'll be there soon..

I then hung up and just sat there with tears coming down my face.

Trey sat up and just hugged me since he heard the whole conversation.

"Do you want to go to the hospital now or later??" Trey said

I replied with a "no I just wanna be with you and nobody else.."

"Then that's what we'll do" he said back and hugged me tighter.

--2 weeks later--

-Chris' POV-

Today is a hard day for all of us. After what happened two weeks ago nobody has been the same. 

But today is the day of the funeral. 

"babe are you ready to go??" I ask Jessika

"Yeah give me a minute and I'll be done" she replied back.

-Bri's POV- 

I was sitting in my room just thinking and then it hit me that today I have to see my mom for the first time in 2 weeks. I'm not ready for this.. 

I get up and go to my shower and then get undressed and get in the shower. 

-25 minutes later- 

'I still don't believe she's gone' I say out loud to myself as I look in the mirror and see a tear come down my cheek. 

I wipe it away fast and then walk to my closet and see all my colorful clothes and don't even smile. 

I found my black dress I wore to my cousin's funeral and then got a black bra and underwear and put all that on. 

I walk back into my bathroom and brush my hair then let it just be. 

"knock, knock" Trey said

I knew that voice anywhere and I smiled a little then walked out of my bathroom and hugged him. 

"You about ready?" he asked

"Yeah let me get my shoes on then I'll be ready" I replied then put my flats on and grabbed my phone. 

We then walk out of my room and down to out front where everyone was waiting. 

-10 minutes later- 

We are here at the church and my whole family and family friends are here and the paparazzi that don't care are here too. 

We all got out of the car and I just froze up.

Trey pulled me to the side and just hugged me because he knew this is going to be really hard for me. 

I cried as he held me and said "I never thought this was going to happen she was supposed to watch me get married and see my kids. Why did God take her from us??" I said quietly. 

Trey didn't reply he just held me tighter. "It'll be okay" he said soothing me.

I let go of him and said "lets go get this over with.." 

We walked in hand in hand after I wiped my tears. 

We were at the family church so I knew my way around well and so we walk into where her body was. 

I took a deep breath and walked towards her body. 

10 more steps and i'll be right there. 

I let go of Trey's hand and walked up to her casket and everyone backed away. 

I just looked at her for about a minute then the tears came. 

I just stood there crying and looking at her. This is the hardest thing to go through. 

"I love you mom..." I said then kissed her forehead and kept my lips there and just cried harder. 

My dad then walks up to me and pulls me into a hug which makes me cry even more since it's my dad. 

"It'll be okay baby girl, she's in a much better place now." He said on the verge of tears. 

I held onto my dad tighter and so he picked me up and moved me to the side and just hugged me so that way they can start the service. 

"So today we were going to have Bri talk but I think we'll have her talk at the burying so that way she can be held by her father for now since today was the first day she saw her mom since her passing." The pastor warned everyone. 

-2 hours later-

We're finally back at home well at least Trey and I because I couldn't be around everyone anymore. They buried my mom already which is a good thing so that way this can all be done and I can go to her grave and decorate it. 

Today's been one hard day. 

Hopefully it'll get better soon. 

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